Forum Discussion

DeEchteVrouw's avatar
2 years ago

[NEEDS SAVES] [GRO] Milestone doesn't show up in one of the 2 sims

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.96.365.1030
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All expansions, game- and stuff packs exept for like 3 clothes kits
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? - Make 2 sims who are NOT married - Get them romancing - Give one of the 2 a job - Let them whoohoo for 1st time
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim without the job gets the milestone/memory, the other does not.
What do you expect to see? That 2 sims who share the same experience at the same time get the appropriate memory regardless of having a job or not.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Getting the new EP: Growing Together

This is also the case if the have a job before falling in love or having a baby. It doesn't show up with the sim who has the job.

Seems like the 1st milestone slot is occupied by the "1st promotion" bit or the "top of the carreer" bit.

ADD: I am almost 100% sure that it is a coding issue with the milesotnes colliding bc everything works fine up until I give my sim a job. I tried it with old sims I still had who already had a job, tired it with new sims straight out of CAS, gallery sims, tried it in different savefiles and I tried it in different age categories. It happens in every instance when the sim has a job.

Edit By DeEchteVrouw: Added test info

Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title

10 Replies

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  • I have two sims who i am trying to get married/ move in together. While they were in separate households, they're milestones worked but as soon as the sim moves in, their milestones reset and do not work anymore. For example, falling in love milestone, will reset and not work on one of the sims, or first woohoo will not show up on the effected sim even though it is their first time experiencing everything. I have tested vanilla, reset my game, repaired my game, deleted cache files, and the same result happens. 

  • I went to college with several Sims. They all graduated at the same time, but only 1 sim got the milestone. Also, 2 of the Sims had their first Wohoo together but only 1 Sim got the Milestone. In other words, if multiple Sims achieve something at the same time that should generate a milestone, only one Sim gets the milestone. 

    I have mods in the game so it could be that too, but maybe someone is playing without mods and has the same problem?

    Since it seems to be connected to "having a job or not" the sim of mine who got the milestones had a job, the others didn't.

  • for me its the sims with the job that has all the mile stones is your sims that are not getting mile stones an occult sim mine is 

  • crinrict's avatar
    2 years ago
    @Summerxena I merged your post with the bug report on this. Do think it's the same thing you're reporting. Please tag me if yours is different.
  • TheSimsDirect's avatar
    Icon for The Sims Team rankThe Sims Team
    2 years ago

    Hello All,

    If anyone of you are still encountering this (without mods), would you be willing to share your save file(s)?

    If so, please send me a private message with a link to the file.

    Instructions here:


  • In my case, neither sim has a job and both have shared a household since the start. One boyfriend gained the "fell in love" milestone while the other did not. The other has no milestones whatsoever despite having fallen in love and becoming the boyfriend of another sim. 

  • hi 🙂 today i noticed a issue with growing together where my sims aren’t getting the milestones they have achieved .  I have two young adult sims who started as young adults and are on long lifespan . Both of them were made to fill Newcrest and were placed in decorated homes and unplayed  for some time but i started playing one of them and she started dating the other . They live together and are now engaged and today i noticed that the sim who got the whim to propose to the other one never unlocked the fell in love milestone , the other one does have the fell in love milestone. After googling a list of the milestones that are possible to get i realized one of them is missing first fire , first woohoo , and reached the top of a career . She’s at the top of the cooking career . The other is missing fell in love , first woohoo and started a romantic relationship . They have a very strong relationship and have tons of happy moodlets around each other , they are best friends as well and being engaged. They autonomously are flirty to each other and it says they are soulmates . the first woohoo not showing up is confusing because i opened the log of how many times the sim has done things and it showed she had woohooed 2 times even tho that’s not accurate they have def woohooed more than 2 times .then i tried to do it again without the mods i had to see if it would unlock it and it didn’t . the woohoo issues could  be a mod issue still maybe it might’ve messed up my save somehow but it hasn’t been a issue the past with that milestone . The logs of the other numbers for things she had done seemed accurate i think but it’s hard to know how many meals she’s eaten lol . the other sim accidentally started a fire on her first day of life  im very sure she should have had a first fire unlocked  .  i might try to make a new save and try to unlock some milestones and see if any work . not sure if this is a bug but it’s not very normal i think lol .i play on steam and i have vampires , knitting , growing together , everyday items clutter , book nook, cats and dogs , seasons and get to work .

  • Same here. Couple moved in together, man sim missing First Woohoo First Fire and Reached Top of Career. Female have all these. 

  • porichin's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    5 months ago

    Milestones also don't work properly on my data.

    I'm on console, so no mods.

    Sim A proposes to Sim B → Only Sim A gets the engagement milestone.

    Control Sim B to marry Sim A → Only Sim B gets the marriage milestone.

    They don't live together, so both work.

    For other Sims, milestones they achieved together (like WooFoo)only unlocked the achievement for one Sim.