On A side note: What gets me is all your EA ads are just becoming too much.
For starters with this 60% sales ad that we are referring to, EA had ads similar to this before, but they didn't appear on our actual gaming screen. They only appeared when we either first started up the game or while in the UI screen... but not the actual game itself.... that is...until now. Plus, EA recently created the animated icon/link at the top right of our gaming screen to encourage us to buy more games. Is that link plus the sales pitches on the UI screen not enough for your company that EA feels the need to bombard us with more larger and numerous ads in order to get us to buy or participate in your events???
What’s more is… while we all should have rights to decide for ourselves what events we wish to participate in and have very kindly requested ways from EA to help improve upon this... we made suggestions such as being able to opt out of the events we are not interested in and to help find ways to prevent those intrusive ads from popping up about those events. We also made the request to stop those quests for these events from queuing up in our games to get us to engage in these activities when we don't want to participate in them. But.... rather than EA acknowledging any or all of these requests and honoring them, not only were those requests ignored… but shortly after we got a full screen ad popping up of the grim reaper event, as if to rub it in that EA can do what ever they want and we just have to suck it up and take it!
All I can say is EA can be as bold as they want... but that will only discourage, not encourage people to play or to buy... free base game or not, free incentives or not. We all have our limits and breaking points. As a result, there are numerous players I have read months ago in several or more blogs and postings both on these forums and elsewhere who have decided to boycott your games by either not buying any more Sims games since LoveStruck came out (I ended up becoming one of them), While others have decided to not play them at all any more.
If we can't play the games in peace like we used to after having invested hundreds to close to a thousand dollars from each player for these games, which are found as unplayable due to so many bugs that STILL go unresolved years later and now intrusive ads and events we do not wish to always participate in, we may as well as demand our money back for our inability to play them... even if it means seeking legal counsel to do so.
Why is EA showing its desperation for more buyers? Your EA will fair better by not spending so much time soliciting and find more productive ways in making a better/improved, bug-free products to retain your customer base, instead of focusing on making more DLC and events to further break our games. Or is greed ruling your decisions over common business sense? Because EA… look around you. Don’t just take my word for it… Really give a good hard look around the internet of current and past blogs posted. You are treading on very thin ice in being able to keep the Sims 4 afloat and successful as a result of this.
Besides, any intelligent business should know the best advertising today is still through word of mouth and cost a heck of a lot less than to advertise and force ads down people’s throats.