Forum Discussion

ceunon20's avatar
Rising Ace
9 years ago

[OPEN] [DO] [GT] Clubs don't get a table at restaurants

I have a similar issue but with Club groups.

I created a Club to encounter and eat in all restaurants of the game but they don't do it.
They don't reserve a table and just stay in bar talking or drinking.
Sometimes they don't enter in restaurant too...

This happen when I'm not playing together with the club in restaurant. They are by the game's AI.
But it's so annoying to see this bug happening and can't do nothing because I can't play with them all the time... ¬¬

I recorded a video of my Club with this bug.
It's not good... ☹️

6 Replies

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  • Groups in Club's reunions are not seating down in restaurants because they don't reserve a table to eat.
    When a restaurant has a bar they go straight to there and stay just drinking or talking but not eating. After all I created the Club to eat in restaurants...

    Edit: And sometimes they stay out the restaurant talking and talking like in the video.

    The video is below the preview comment but I'll share again.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    I think - as you said - there's no rule to make them request a table, hence they just do whatever is in their club rules. Even if you set eat as one of the rules, they never sit down.

    I'll add this on the next round

    EDIT: Added

  • SimGuruNick's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    9 years ago

    Is this still occurring for anyone? Is your sim a member of the club and is it at an active meeting? If so, are you requesting a table yourself? Thanks!

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    AFAIR it's for inactive clubs. So if an inactive meeting is triggered at your restaurant. Haven't tried lately though

  • ceunon20's avatar
    Rising Ace
    9 years ago

    I still need to try if that is happening.

    In one week I'll get my PC back and so test it.