Forum Discussion

Re: [ARCHIVED] Autonomy and Simulation Lag

What kind of computers do people have with this issue? High end desktops, laptops? I never actually had this issue until I upgraded my computer to a much better one. Along with getting this bug, came terrible frame rate, which drops to 40 constantly and back up even though my graphics card is a GTX 1070. It's the only game to do this for me, all others are fine. I would get solid 60 and more if uncapped with my old 750ti. I feel like this game doesn't work well with high end specs. 

3 Replies

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  • crinrict's avatar
    7 years ago
    I think it happens on all of them. I never seen it in my game but seen it on some people's saves.

    There have also been reports for console for this actually.
  • Ah, I must be wrong then about this bug being performance based on specs. It's probably not cc or mod made either, if it's on console. Hopefully EA will eventually fix this.

  • crinrict's avatar
    7 years ago
    There has been a lot of work done on this but I think since seasons it got worse again. I had NO reports between C&D and Seasons