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24 Replies
- Camaroguy66884 months agoNew Rookie
I am having the same problem as you. I haven't finished week 2 and no task window has showed up on week 3 or 4.
- Darkitty54 months agoNew Rookie
Week 3 and week 4 quest don't show up for me ether.
Ever since my sim left her house its been broken...
I am having the exact same issue on PS5. The tasks/ plumbobs disappeared during week 3 and have not reappeared. I've tried new saves and even reinstalling the entire game but still no tasks.
I am very concerned about whether or not we will be given additional time to complete the event, given these issues and how long we've been unable to participate. Thank you to everyone who is working on this.
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Not all of them. Spooky sale items, magic, cottage
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? How would I know since it isn't consistent.
What happens when the bug occurs? Reaper tasks stopped showing up halfway through
What do you expect to see? Reaper tasks
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
Was working fine until today when I exited before completing all the task.
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? not sure but today's patch -- issue occured before and was hoping this patch would fix it
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All but the kits and some stuff packs
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Not sure, the reaper's rewards icon is popping up, but not any of the tasks in the UI needed to complete it.
What happens when the bug occurs? The objectives for the reaper's rewards don't come up, giving me no way to complete the event.
What do you expect to see? The objectives needed to complete the event to pop up so I can fulfill them and get the rewards associated with the event
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
This issue has been ongoing since week 2 of the event-- was hoping it would resolve itself but I really don't want to miss out on the event. I was able to make it through digging holes but the UI disappeared while I was working on Friends with Death. I attached the three screens I can pull up related to the rewards.
same here (i‘m on ps4)
except for the tasks, i completed „learning from the lady“ but i’m stuck at „the first ingredient“. plumbob with that task isn’t showing.
i read you need realm of magic for the ingredient tasks so it could work. i bought yesterday rom and still NOTHING.
- BarGodAspect4 months agoNew Rookie@just-radooshka Same here stuck at catching the angelfish. I've caught 20 lol
- @BukiBuu I am stuck at the exact same point you are! ☹️
- @BukiBuu Hi i am having the same problem, do you know how to fix this?
this is the same with me but i was about to complete week 4 and the last task dissapeared and i cant get it to work
Im on Xbox. No fix yet and I am sad and mad too!
- Breadwinka3 months agoRising Traveler@Heathermaybe9 Yeah console users are pretty much at the mercy of EA hoping they put everything into the base game. Its really sad when @EA_Cade hasn't said anything in weeks, no updates from EA at all, just sitting here in total darkness. What do community managers even do if they are just silent on a long standing bug with this many reports. This bug report has over 97 pages with people with issues and we can't get one single update a tweet or anything. It's pretty disheartening when the community is trying to figure out fixes more then EA has.
100% agree!
- Anma9983 months agoRising Adventurer@Breadwinka Why are you lying? A solution has been mentioned so many times the past week that it's evidently that you don't bother to actually read comments before you comment,I did mention that deleting your files and then launch the game works for console players. Two comments above your first one.
@Anma998 why are you calling people liars??
Look at the thread. Over a hundred pages with bug issues, very few fixes have been mentioned. It’s clear the fixes that have been mentioned don’t work for everyone. I’ve tried the fix you're talking about and it didn’t work. Just because it worked for you and a couple other people doesn’t mean it’s THE answer. I appreciate you trying to help others and all, but calling people liars when we are simply reporting bugs on a thread…to report bugs…is a little crazy in my opinion.
These ridiculous “fixes”that have been suggested require effort on the player that is really the game developers job. Plus I’ve also read this fix can nuke your save if you don’t do it correctly.
- lunaloom993 months agoRising Rookie
WARNING: THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING. Unless you have an external hard drive connected through USB to your Xbox to back up or transfer your save files later.*I don’t share my Xbox with anyone, and didn’t have any save files I was attached to (in the event something went wrong) before I took these steps. I realize that’s not the case for everyone, so proceed only if you’re comfortable with that or you’ve backed up your saves externally, if you have that option.
- Xbox Home Screen highlight the Sims 4- Press the Menu button (the one with 3 lines) and select “Manage game and add-ons”
- Next page, select “Saved data”
- Next page, select the file with your Username
- Next page, when asked “Delete from Console” or “Delete Everywhere”, select “Delete Everywhere” (again, this will delete everything, including gallery saves)
*IMPORTANT NOTES: As others on console (both PS and Xbox) have already stated, you will start the game like a new user, so there will be many annoying pop up’s to deal with because everything is reset and new. However, if you were playing the Reaper’s Reward Event before the issue, the game picks up where you left off on the new save file, so you don’t have to start the event from the beginning. And although your gallery saves are deleted during the process, those you were following on Gallery are not.
EVENT: I kept it as basic as I possibly can, starting a save file with a base game only sim, and base game only lot, and even then my sims froze while hosting a dinner party for the Event. I had cheats on, and had to reset them manually by pressing A and B together, and the event continued. So the game is still a bit glitchy.
Again, this is a workaround, not a fix. And me or anyone else here completing the Event does NOT mean those who couldn’t shouldn’t get these items in a future update. Some people have years worth of saves they don’t want to risk, while some simply aren’t aware this workaround exists. It’s still EA’s responsibility and it’s the least EA could do at this point.
Best of luck to all of you.
- Sweet-Lai3 months agoRising RookieWow…. My first time here and I don't think I'll ever post again. I'm sorry if I didn't read all 100 pages of complaints but I did look through them all including the one above for anything that said console, so there was no need to be snarky.
Yes, I tried all the EA fixes before I came here to see what others experienced. Not too many posts that said, “It worked thanks”
So now that that is cleared up I hope I proved I'm Not a * thank you, I'm just despite for some help. Tho I guess I won't find it here. Thanks - @lunaloom99 Does the DELETE EVERTHING Procedure that you described for Xbox, erase all my saved households, the houses and worlds I have built, and all of my saved games? Like essentially starting from fresh from scratch with just the game and expansions that I own? Just want to be sure I understand completely. If so, is there a way to restore those saves later? Can you run through that process? I do have external USB hard drives laying around the house that I could potentially utilize…but how do I transfer the save data to and then back from the external hard drive? I’m kinda worried I might mess things up and lose my progress forever and Im not sure I really want to risk it but if I knew for sure theres a way to get back all my save data again…well, then maybe its okay
- lunaloom993 months agoRising Rookie
Yes, everything. Save files and gallery saves all wiped out, but ironically the Event continues from where you left off on your new save file and you don’t lose any of the rewards you’ve already earned.
So, DO NOT do it unless you’re comfortable with that, or backed up your saves externally, which I believe you can transfer back into your game after the Event is over. Unfortunately, I can’t walk you through that, because I was fine with deleting everything.
- Breadwinka3 months agoRising Traveler
The fix you suggested only worked once. After saving, quitting, and reloading, the issue resurfaced. Each time I delete the user data file, I have to repeat the week's tasks, which is a frustrating never-ending loop. It's also disappointing that no one from EA has commented on this issue in three weeks, and there seems to be no movement towards a resolution on EA's end.
no genuinely this is so frustrating to the point where I've teared up , I'm so upset I've not been able to get even one of the rewards
- nrv4h1wgiqn43 months agoSeasoned Novice@Fleshroses I lost all my saves when they asked me to move them all onto my desktop and back over. I had expressed that it was the last thing i wanted to do because I was scared I would do it incorrectly. I ended up doing exactly that and lost everything and it didn't even fix the issue, and support wasn't very helpful or smyapthic after just told me to wait and they'd update with a fix and then closed the case. There needs to be a way that players can have bugs fixed without having to put everything at risk. Not everyone who plays and enjoys the game is super good at computer things, some of us are just trying to unwind after work or on the weekend, or to enjoy a fun community event for Halloween. I have done everything they've asked of me over weeks now, from multiple support agents. Even had to download additional software at some point to reset origin. All that time and effort could have been channeled into just playing, seeing as how even if there is a fix late in the event, very few people espcially those with full time jobs or studies will likely not be able to finish what most people got 6 or more weeks to complete.
@nrv4h1wgiqn4 I have tried the move the folder fix because I was afraid that I might lose everything. ☹️ I'm sorry that happened to you.
I'm not confident enough with moving around files to try and fix something and didn't want to risk losing everything. That shouldn't be a solution to a bug in a game.
I haven't played at all and lost the will to after my game stopped working last week. I like building more than actually playing the game, so some of the quest stuff I found challenging because I've never done any of it before. I haven't had time to build because I was busy fighting with the broken quests. [I had the Mail person couldn't see the mailbox glitch for most of it... then in the last week It made me do all the ambrosia quests 2x and didn't give me credit for them in the end... the next day I logged in to the the Ghost bar thing and the quests didn't show.Building is the part I enjoy and I haven't been able to do much of it in the past month... and now I don't even want to go into the game to see see the broken quest thing sitting on the screen reminding me of the frustrations of the whole thing.I really hope they just give everyone the items... or if they can and want to, at least give them to the people that attempted the quest and couldn't completed it due to no fault of their own.
There are some packs and kits I'm interested in... but I don't want to buy anything until this is resolved. I hate being so frustrated with something I'm supposed to enjoy. If their goal was to get more people to play.... I'm sure there are better ways that don't make hundreds or thousands of players so frustrated because things are so broken.
I mean... getting the mail was broken... getting quests was broken... I don't know why some people had no issues and others seemed to have every issue. I've been advised by family to stop playing the Sims since it's done nothing but frustrated me and put me into tears this past month when it was supposed to be my relaxing fun time. ☹️
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