Forum Discussion

Re: [BY DESIGN] Age groups start with random days added from CAS/Gallery

I also have this bug.

The age bars of my sims in old save files are messed up and many sims are forcefully aged up even though they're not supposed to.

It's really a game breaking bug for me and I'd hate to start all over.

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  • AvrgCrusader's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago

    I have this bug as well. I'm a SimLit writer, and keep the ages of my Sims written down as I play so that I can better track as I'm writing. I went in to CAS to create new characters for the world, and when I went back to the one family that I'm actively playing in this story, there were two days(!!) between the Toddler twins, and the Adult mom had a full green bar with more than a hundred days over the age span I set for her (I use MCCC and play on Long with adjusted ages). The two Children and the one Teen were just a day off from where they should've been according to my notes. 

    I didn't do anything in CAS with the active family, but somehow they came up with their aging all messed up. I'm going to check the rest of my families and see if they're having this issue as well.

  • bookmaster325's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    Age thing happened to me last night (after the Feb. update) with the previous household I was playing during the update. My settings have been aging off, but I will turn aging on for the current household (not all current played or for the NPC world) for a small bit while I'm playing so my sims age at about the same rate. I had initially decided to work it in to the story, but may have to reverse progress depending on if the childhood skills/earned traits transferred.
  • Since you are using MCCC, I guess even that doesn't stop it anymore? Well.. shoot. 
    Hopefully it gets fixed... Been quite long already. 

  • AvrgCrusader's avatar
    New Ace
    7 years ago
    Yeah, unfortunately it looks like MCCC can't even stop this bug. I'm going to look at ScarletQueenKat's mod and see if that'll help, but geez, this bug is brutal!
  • It definitely used to help - it was the only thing that did in November (yeah.. the glitch goes back to november, sadly) and it still worked at te start of january as well. 

    Let me know if this one helps, please? Thank you!

  • wildirishbanshee's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago

    I use that mod since the November shenanigans and it works perfectly. 🙂

  • manzana0807's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago

    The next version of MC Command Center that's in testing right now includes an option to disable random aging, the same as Scarlet's mod. I'm using the preview version of MC Command Center with this option right now and it works. So, once it's released to the public, Scarlet's mod won't be needed if you use MC Command Center.

  • Thank you guys. 
    Glad MCCC is getting that option. 🙂 
    It's kinda sad we have to use mods to fix this. But at least it's something. 

  • Lyoufln's avatar
    7 years ago

    I would like to update my game to the most recent patch (February 4th or 5th), but I'm worried that the CAS aging bug will occur. This aging bug has come up again with the new patch?

  • No, it's been there since November. And it's if you make a new sim, they start up with random days till aging up (not 96 - if you're playing on long) and it happens with sims who even age up via cake... and such... so if you don't have that i guess you are fine?