Forum Discussion

Re: [COLLECTION THREAD] Danish Translation and Text Errors

This is a typo.

One of the messages that you can get in the new Dream Home Decorator pack is a new person saying that they want to give their house some new life and that X sim (previous customer) recommended you. In Danish it says:

"Jeg vil gerne give mit hus nyt liv, og X anbefalede dog. Jeg får lige mine folk til at kontakte dine folk" which translates to "I want to give my house some new life and X recommended though. I'll have my people contact your people"

Instead it should say:

"Jeg vil gerne give mit hus nyt liv, og X anbefalede dig. Jeg får lige mine folk til at kontakte dine folk" which means "I want to give my house some new life and X recommended you. I'll have my people contact your people"

I've underlined this in the attached screenshot as well.

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