Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Adults daring children to streak

I've added this. Might be by design but I find it a bit odd.

9 Replies

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  • Wasn't Get Together where they added the ability to go naked and streak?

    Anyway, I doubt this is by design in this case, simply because it's just...wrong.

  • to7m's avatar
    7 years ago
    I me too’d

    I haven’t seen this in game (I don’t tend to use the mischivious skill) but I’m guessing it’s there if I went looking.

  • MsPigglyPooh's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago

    @to7m yea I don't either, however my sims love to "troll teh forums" on the computer when they become playful so they end up gaining the mischief skill and my sim was able to apparently raise her level to 3 and that triggers the interaction.

    @StarryMight Ahh I believe you are right! I believe it did come with Get together. 

  • EuphorialQueen's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    7 years ago

    "Dare to streak" can be initiated by a Sim wth level 4 {?} mischief. Skinny dipping was added with Get Together? My current save had the option to dare a child to streak. I did not choose the option and the child just aged to a teen so I cannot test.

  • BlackjackWidow's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    7 years ago

    Can confirm that my young adult can dare his younger brother (child) to streak. You get the option at mischief level 3. The child did not streak, but got the energized moodlet saying that he did. 

    This is in base game with RG & freebies, no mods or cc; never used. Odd behavior.

  • MsPigglyPooh's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    My guess is in the coding there was never any boundaries set or some where along the line something happened with the boundaries they had. I don't recall this issue prior to this particular patch so something in the coding could have recently brought about this bug
  • BlackjackWidow's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    7 years ago
    I also should have added - I had my mischievous sim dare an adult to streak, and she got the energized moodlet and romped around the property in her birthday suit.

    Your thoughts about boundaries sound spot on; maybe they were streaking when dared, and the coding changed to stop it but they missed the moodlet part. 🙂
  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago
    This looks fixed to me

    Anyone can confirm ?
  • BlackjackWidow's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Fixed in my game - Have to have at least level 3 mischief, and have a relationship status of "friend" or above to dare to streak. I tested the whole process - leveled a sim to mischief level 3, successfully dared spouse to streak, then made friends with an adult and a child in a different household. Once at friend level, I could dare the adult to streak but had no option to do so with a child.