Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [CD] Sims Can't Lecture/become companion for adopted Pets

Yup. Initially, everything worked fine and the options to lecture/scold for specific behaviors were available. These have since vanished, however, as has the option to "Become Companions"; it looks like these options disappeared after the last big update. 

Missing: lecture/scold for specific behaviors

Missing: "Become Companion" option

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  • I have discovered that the Sim who adopts the strays cannot train out misbehaviours or become companions with the pets.  However, another member of the household is able to do so, train out misbehaviours and become companions.   I have also discovered that adding a pet be it cat or dog to my household from either the gallery or my library has no issues regarding this as all household members are able to train out misbehaviours and become companions.  None of these issues have anything to do with any of my saved games and I also noticed these issues started after the Get Famous patch.