Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [CD] Sims Can't Lecture/become companion for adopted Pets

I'm not sure when it started on mine because I usually don't play with pets (they make my game kind of glitchy) but I recently adopted some pets to complete the aspiration. The weird thing is the other sims in my household can do it, just not the one I'm trying to do it with. I know you can cheat to complete aspirations, but I really don't want to since I'm doing the super sim challenge.

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  • bookmaster325's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    ~nods~ @Rain12121 that's how it is for me as well.
    For the aspiration, get another hh member to adopt the pet(s). I vaguely recall that's 2 companions are needed for completing that aspiration at the moment.