6 years agoHero+
Re: [FIXED] [CD] Sims Can't Lecture/become companion for adopted Pets
After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
- Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
This issue has been fixed in Patch 1.51.75. Please be aware that affected Sims/Pets will still be bugged.
You have three (four) options how to deal with them
- Wait for EA to implement more fixes (see patch notes)
- Let the Pets have the issue and don't care about it.
- Use the household manager/cloning solution that's been posted in this thread (I will add that solution to this post later today)
- Use the method below (in the quote) to fix them. You'll need a mod to do so but you can remove it after successfully fixing them.
@crinrict wrote:
There's a cheat solution that seems to help but you'll probably also need TwistedMexi's AllCheats mod in order for it to work as I believe that cheat was disabled.
The issue affects all Sims that adopt a pet they have a friendship with before adoption. There's a relationhship bit called dogowned/catowned and for some reason, this bit doesn't get added if you befriend them first.
What you need to do is the following
- Add twistedMexis AllCheats Mod to your game (google the link but get the version on his Patron, NOT the one on MTS) --> I do believe this is necessary, you can try without first.
- Open the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
- Type: sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname> (firstname and lastname being the name of the Sim that can't lecture the pet)
- Write down that number. It's a long number and you can't c/p
- Type: sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname> (firstname and lastname being the name of the pet that can't be lectured)
- Write down that number. It's a long number and you can't c/p
- relationship.add_bit <yoursimID> <targetsimID> <relationshipBit>
The value for these are as follow
- yoursimID = ID of the Sim
- targetsimID = ID of the Pet
- RelationshipBit = catOwned if the pet is a cat or dogowned if the pet is a dog.- Close the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
- After doing this you can remove the mod from your game again.
After that you should be able to lecture your animal as well as become a companion again .. cause the Sim actually owns the dog.