Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [CD] Sims Can't Lecture/become companion for adopted Pets

After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
  • Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.

This issue has been fixed in Patch 1.51.75. Please be aware that affected Sims/Pets will still be bugged. 

You have three (four) options how to deal with them

  1. Wait for EA to implement more fixes (see patch notes)
  2. Let the Pets have the issue and don't care about it.
  3. Use the household manager/cloning solution that's been posted in this thread (I will add that solution to this post later today)
  4. Use the method below (in the quote) to fix them. You'll need a mod to do so but you can remove it after successfully fixing them.

@crinrict wrote:

There's a cheat solution that seems to help but you'll probably also need TwistedMexi's AllCheats mod in order for it to work as I believe that cheat was disabled.

The issue affects all Sims that adopt a pet they have a friendship with before adoption. There's a relationhship bit called dogowned/catowned and for some reason, this bit doesn't get added if you befriend them first.

What you need to do is the following

  1. Add twistedMexis AllCheats Mod to your game (google the link but get the version on his Patron, NOT the one on MTS) --> I do believe this is necessary, you can try without first.
  2. Open the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
  3. Type: sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname>  (firstname and lastname being the name of the Sim that can't lecture the pet)
  4. Write down that number. It's a long number and you can't c/p
  5. Type: sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname>  (firstname and lastname being the name of the pet that can't be lectured)
  6. Write down that number. It's a long number and you can't c/p
  7. relationship.add_bit <yoursimID> <targetsimID> <relationshipBit>
    The value for these are as follow
    - yoursimID = ID of the Sim 
    - targetsimID = ID of the Pet
    - RelationshipBit = catOwned if the pet is a cat or  dogowned if the pet is a dog.
  8. Close the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
  9. After doing this you can remove the mod from your game again.

After that you should be able to lecture your animal as well as become a companion again .. cause the Sim actually owns the dog.

23 Replies

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  • I was struggling with this issue, but when I adopted a new pet by phone, this fixed all the interactions with all my adopted strays too. Hope this will help someone without having to mod!

    *edited to add- I am playing on my laptop, through origin. I firstly repaired my game, went back to the affected Sim and was frustrated to see nothing had changed. I decided to try adopting a pet through the adoption service as I wanted to complete the aspiration- and to my surprise, all interactions were fixed with all pets!

  • CatSaar's avatar
    6 years ago

    It seems this issues is marked as fixed, but I actually have this problem since today. I adopted a stray cat and can't lecture nor become companions. I've never had this problem until today and my game is up to date. So just a heads up that this doesn't seem solved. Do I need to make a new thread or can you reopen this one?

  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago

    Could you please repair your game. Are you using any mods at all ?

    Try on yet another stray after repairing as already affected pets still have the issue.

  • @CatSaar and @crinrict : Could it be that it's fixed for Pets adopted through the computer/whatever, but not for strays?

    A while back on LittleMsSam's Discord, IIRC, someone was saying that he/she couldn't lecture an adopted pet, but it was a stray who was taken in, which raised the question I'm posing now (I agreed in that conversation that it was a possibility).

  • CatSaar's avatar
    6 years ago

    I actually adopted a stray before the" bugged" stray. So in same gameplay after patch I had one that worked fine and one that didn't. So there doesn't seem to be consistency in the problem. I do have mods/cc but I updated everything before I started my game again after the patch (some time had past since I could play again so all creators had updated their stuff by then). I don't really have time this week to play and test out adopting multiple strays to see if a repair solves the problem. I read on this thread about saving the household and only keeping the affected cat and then deleting that cat in the og household and replacing it with the saved cat. That did solve my problem. When I have time I can try the adopting multiple strays test and post an update, but I at the same time feel like it should not be up to me making time to test out a bug that is supposed to be solved. Nevertheless when I find a few hours free to do this I'll let you know.

  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago
    No, it should be fixed for both but there's no guarantees that there aren't scenarios where it's not fixed.

    If it's not, I would need a new thread though. .. only vanilla games and pets adopted after the patch.
  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago
    Something else came to my mind after going to bed yesterday, the bug could also still be active for strays you befriended but not adopted before the patch.
  • CatSaar's avatar
    6 years ago

    I was playing with a completely new sim, so she had no relationships from before the patch.

  • I did the suggested workaround with the cheat console and IDs and it didn't do anything to give me ownership of the pets. My adult pets I adopted (strays) are still unlecturable. I have a pair of cats and a pair of dogs, and each had a baby and those pets are lecturable. Are there any other solutions/workarounds for forcing ownership?

  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago

    Are you sure you used the cheat right ? Did you use the info mod to check if the flag for the ownership is set correctly now ?

    Are you using the allcheat mods and do you have the newest version of that ?

  • Yes I followed all the instructions very carefully and triple checked I copied the IDs down right. When I put the cheat in for ownership nothing happens :/

    Even checked by trying to discipline pets while catching them in the act (eating food on counters, drinking puddles, eating garbage)

    All of my adult pets that were previously adopted are still bugged

  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago
    So the tag wasn't really added as it should ?

    There was someone else having issues as well but they found out they downloaded an old version of the allcheatmod. Did you download it from MTS or TwistedMexis Patron ?
  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago

    Get the version from his patron/web page. It's free as well but the current one.

    I don't know if MTS is.

  • So nothing visibly tells you if it worked BUT I selected one of my dogs I tried the cheat for, and she has the option 'Become Companions (from being good friends)' so I can assume it worked?

    Never had this option before and companionship = ownership right?

    Just wanted to leave an update because it seems it worked if I am correct, thanks a bunch 🙂

    Edit: Yes! It worked! Apparently Mayor Whiskers was very naughty while I sent my first update because he has two lecture prompts now haha

    For those struggling with this bug, I know the fix seems intimidating but trust me, it isn't! It's pretty easy and simple and it works like a charm - assuming you download the right updated version of the mod :b

    A tip I'd like to add, is you may not be able to copy the IDs from the cheat console, but you CAN paste inside the BAR you input the cheat into. So my tip is to type the IDs into a notepad on your pc and string the cheat together in the notepad, then just paste it into the cheat console. Much easier/quicker that way and less room for error typing int he ID :D

  • alanmichael1's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago

    Has this issue returned?

    My household adopted a dog and while the Sim who started the adoption can lecture him, the husband gets no options.