Re: [FIXED] [CL] Recipes "Normal" when Excellent is expected
Are you sure this is a bug? Cooking is always a random chance dice roll on quality. You're just more likely to get good results if you have - a positive mood, cooking enhancing traits, good quailty ingredients and high quality cooking appliances. But I don't think there's ever a 100% chance to always get better food.
To test, I used Judith Ward, because she's a celeb in my game with the refined palate quirk, and I tried to get her in an Inspired mood (which is the best for cooking), but her other quirks overrided her mood with confidence.
I couldn't get Stoves and Grills Master trait to see if that did anything (not enough aspiration points). But I made her visit a City Living stall and learn Sweet and Sour Pork.
Judith starts with zero cooking skill, and makes a normal quality one, which is impressive. Her next two with level 1 skill are poor quality.
But then I cheated her skill level up to nine and she made an excellent quality version. So it is possible to get excellent quality. Even when she had negative moodlets for tense from not looking in a mirror and badly needing to pee. No special ingredients used and her stove and fridge were the Schmapple really expensive kitchen things.
Not sure what is meant by "expected" though, I don't expect to always make excellent quality meals (it's random chance, multiplied by positive factors), but your bug report sounded like you never ever get excellent or higher meals?
Maybe someone can test it with the reward trait too, just in case that is not working correctly. I have chef sims with it, but they're not currently celebrities or have any quirks in my save.