Forum Discussion

EA_Cade's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
3 years ago

Re: [FIXED] [CoL] Hatchable eggs disappearing/spoiling

Hi @naeshelle,

Reporting a bug that you yourself are not experiencing limits us in our ability to assist and address the issue as we cannot gather information on the issue from you directly.

We can open an investigation, but until someone who is experiencing the issue also reports it to us we'll be unable to gather system logs, determine if this is mod related, etc.

Thank you for reporting this potential issue, but in the future please only report issues that you're experiencing yourself.

18 Replies

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  • naeshelle's avatar
    New Hotshot
    3 years ago


    To be clear, my eggs ARE disappearing. Hence why I filled out the bug report. The only thing I have not observed is the eggs spoiling & my sims throwing them out. I will encourage the simmers who have experienced that to chime in on this discussion. But system logs & such can still be collected from ME because, as I indicated in my bug report, my eggs are disappearing.

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 years ago
    Hi @naeshelle,

    Thanks for that info, does this also occur in an un-modded save as well?
  • Hiya,

    I've been experiencing the issue with the hatchable eggs spoiling in the hutch and my Sim then automatically goes to the hutch and disposes of the egg when this happens. I've had this happen both with and without mods on my game. 

  • I moved two family members out of my household so the game took me to their new house. I immediately went to manage worlds to return to my original home and all the hatchable eggs I had stored up were spoiled. I've never had hatchable eggs spoil before.

  • I’m playing on ps5 no mods no cheats and my eggs keep spoiling before it hatches and my sims throw it out

  • Bazzett2013's avatar
    Rising Scout
    3 years ago

    My hatchable eggs are spoiling. I click them in my inventory and select incubate in coop. My sim puts them in the coop and I Can see them. Then they start their count down to hatch but before they hatch, they are spoiled. All I can do at that point is throw them away. It's almost like they are regular eggs that are not refrigerated. I know for a fact when the game 1st released I was able to hatch eggs just fine, so it is definitely related to a newer update. I don't use mods so it is not mod related.

  • Knotwise13's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    3 years ago

    This has also been happening to me, I haven’t been able to hatch a single egg since I bought a coop 

  • Aug 7, 2022 


    Has any progress been made on this issue? 
    I have been having the same problem. All my hatchable eggs that I put into the incubator expire that very same sim day. 
    I play on the PS4 and have no mods/cc. I only have cottage living, family, and get to work expansions.  
    I understand on post #11 you require people to send in save files to help solve this issue. However, it’s a huge pain to do that on the PS4. 
    Since the last post was in April and it’s now August I wondered if any progress has been made? 

  • So it's November and still happening with my eggs. 

    What is the update on this issue please. 

  • siirysiir's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    @fcab9tcvcfi7It looks pretty good as they're saying no more saves are required so it seems they have been able to reproduce the bug. We'll know if they post that it's on a laundry list but other than that we just wait.

  • I have 0 mods and 0 CC and am experiencing this issue as well

  • HeidiGrrrl's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    2 years ago

    I have a temporary "fix" or "workaround" that has worked! Remove the spoiled egg, and put it in a Sim's inventory. Clean the coop, then put the egg back in (I use the center nest). Then call the hens to come sit in the coop. The spoiled egg WILL hatch. The same amount of time is required. Just remember to remove the egg BEFORE cleaning the coop, otherwise Sims will throw it away.

  • I have been experiencing the spoiling thing. I place eggs, it says it’ll hatch within a day and however long. I go back later to look and the egg is spoiled without a hatch time. Sims then throw this away since the egg is spoiled and not hatching

  • Edriella's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    2 years ago

    Can confirm this is still happening. So many bugs. :/

  • HeidiGrrrl's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    2 years ago

    @emilysmiles108I have a temporary "fix" or "workaround" that has worked! Remove the spoiled egg, and put it in a Sim's inventory. Clean the coop, then put the egg back in (I use the center nest). Then call the hens to come sit in the coop. The spoiled egg WILL hatch. The same amount of time is required. Just remember to remove the egg BEFORE cleaning the coop, otherwise Sims will throw it away. Make sure you call the hens back in. They'll sit on it.

  • I'm on Xbox and its also been happening to me. I've tried drag and drop, and also tried pressing "Incubate in coop" in my sims inventory. every single time they just spoil. This has been happening for months now.