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EA_Cade's avatar
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3 years ago

Re: [FIXED] [CoL] Hatchable eggs disappearing/spoiling

Hey all,

Thanks for all the information you've provided so far.  At the moment we're looking to gather un-modded save files that are experiencing this issue.

If you would like to assist us with this investigation by providing a save file, the instructions on how to send us these files can be found in the post here from the Sims team. 


12 Replies

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  • I am confused on how to submit a video for this from the PS5 as it is a Hatchable egg that has disappeared/spoils and the time of which it does so is random.

  • Here's hoping!  This has happened to me several times.  EARLY ON, I downloaded some community content but I have NEVER downloaded any mods.  At the moment, I don't even have any community content.  I generally play without it as glitches drive me crazy and I'm not smart enough for workarounds.  LOL!  I really hope this helps!  Let me know if you need anything else!!AssffPNc_gznhL1sWRg9ksfVArci8w

    Version number:

    If you look at the logs, I just recently cleared the cache unfortunately.

  • Hey all, I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I may have stumbled onto a workaround! Let me detail my steps so everyone can make use of it.

    1. You are going to need testing cheats on. To enable TestingCheats, open the console with Left CTRL+Shift+C (press/hold with one fluid motion in that order) or by pressing all four shoulder buttons on console. Once the white box appears, type testingcheats on.

    Okay, this is EXACTLY WHAT I DID. Three golden eggs disappeared from my hutch, so I "cheated" and got three golden eggs from the shift menu when you click on the chicken hutch. Let me detail that.

    2. WITH TESTING CHEATS ON, SHIFT CLICK on the chicken hutch. You will see a radial menu with a variety of options. Click on hatchable eggs and choose the one that you want. If you want to skip a lot of these steps, click chicken egg ready to hatch! Otherwise, click another option. RECLAIM YOUR GOLDEN AND OBSIDIAN LOST EGGS! LOL!

    This will cause the egg to be able to be collected from the hutch immediately. I immediately had my sim collect them.

    Here's where it gets fun.

    I then placed the eggs in the coop. I always have a fenced in enclosure around my chickens. I put them in LOCKDOWN. NO ONE ALLOWED IN while the eggs were incubating. You can do this by clicking on the gate and locking the gates to EVERYONE.

    During incubation, I would go into build mode, move my chickens OUTSIDE the fence, feed and play with them, and then put them back in build mode. I did have to let a Sim in to cater to my cow, but they were under CLOSE SUPERVISION and never came near the hutch. Then, I immediately locked it up tight again.

    Now, the eggs, despite being IMMEDIATELY collected and placed, did spoil, BUT THEY STILL HATCHED. At different points they would not show the hatch counter either. BUT THEY HATCHED ALL THE SAME.

    You can clean your chicken coop in the radial menu on the SHIFT CLICK on the coop, so it doesn't get dirty.

    Using all these tips, I hope this helps!
  • RealTirreal's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hey all, 

    I'm having the same issue, although I have mods and can't try with out as the save file will not load, PLEASE all that are playing with out mods send in save file to help fix this issue

    If you leave the spoiled eggs on the coop and lock it off from the sim they will hatch, they have even hatched on their own, tempted to buy to coops, one for chickens and one for hatchery. Here is a Pic of the spoilage. Might try a new save wit out mods just to summit a file.

  • RealTirreal's avatar
    3 years ago

    ok I'm back, disabled mods, created a new game, within a day the hatchable egg spoiled, I noticed it was fine till a hen laid on the egg, then night time came and the chickens hid in the coop and the egg became spoiled. hey are the pics, and save files

  • Stinalina's avatar
    3 years ago

    I made an egg(!)speriment: When I got a hatchable gold egg and a normal white hatchable egg I placed both in the same coop. They would both spoil but then I would grab them and drag them around. Even dragging them to the sims inventory and back to the coop. The Gold egg became "fresh" again, but the normal kept being spoiled. - I think when they disappear from the coop its because sims clean them up, like spoiled food in inventory or fridge. - Maybe a fox if your sims out?

    I had to keep doing it until it finally hatched. I now have a little gold chick, but seems impossible to get any new normal chicks to hatch.

    Its probably due to a bug the golden egg hatched, because I can sometimes do the same with fish, eggs and other spoilables in a sims inventory. But I hope no-one fix that bug! If I had left the golden egg untouched it would for sure not have hatched...

    Im on a Mac so I dont now if a save is needed from me? But if needed I might be able to make one when I try again? 

    (Or maybe it was fixed in the patch I can see is available today??? Im just not playing on any of my farms right now) 

  • Google Drive Link to Saves 

    Also happening to me, and I've never used mods. Save files in my google drive available! 6-4-22 @ 7:28pm is the manual save I did after I noticed my eggs had disappeared. My sim had cleaned the coop maybe 2 sim hours before that after having two hatchable eggs in the coop.

  • Ileatea2's avatar
    3 years ago

    This does not actually fix the bug, I just tried it myself and the two golden eggs I was trying to hatch still spoiled in the new coop

  • I have been having by the same issue, the eggs are not hatching, disappear (possibly being throw.n out). I have no mods in game, I actually recently got a new computer and have a brand new download/save free/clean slate game. I haven’t played in months and this issue was never happening before. I had played many games where I would hatch chicks with no issues, I’m not doing anything different in game.