Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [CoL] Hatchable eggs disappearing/spoiling

I too have experienced this. Even a rare hatchable golden egg just now. So annoyed! I have no mods.

I've had two excellent quality and a hatchable golden egg both "spoil" and get thrown out. One of them said that the egg was about to hatch and told me to go help it. I didn't as my Sim was sleeping and when I went to check on the new chick there was nothing there. 

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  • I'm also having this issue. I've tried just not cleaning my coop until the eggs hatch, but the sims keep autonomously going and cleaning out the "spoiled" hatchable eggs.  I've given up on hatching my own chicks. 

    I've also purchased two chicks that just refused to grow up. They remained chicks for several weeks of in-game time. I eventually gave up and sold the chicks. 

    With one of them it took two tries to get it to actually disappear.  I got the simoleans and the sad moodlet from my animal lover sim for selling an animal, but the chick was still on my farm. 

  • MsMisc's avatar
    3 years ago
    @MaeBtoday Hey, I get the chicks aging bug too! The trick to that is to click on the chick, go to actions, and select put in inventory. Leave them in that inventory for a while (Long enough to at least get one notification that "Your sim has an animal in their inventory that is getting quite unhappy in there!"...something like that. You'll get like 4 of those. Then, just click on the chickie in your inventory and select place in world. I have had to do this maybe two or three times, but it always eventually works.
  •      Use the cheats ‘bb.showhiddenobjects’ and purchase a gold hen and gold rooster (or have one of your hens lay a golden egg by ensuring she has is ‘very happy’ and has a maxed relationship with owner sim). Having your sim prepare flirty treats and giving them to hens will also increase the chance of them laying a rare or hatchable golden egg. Once the golden hen lays a golden egg, if your coop is dirty before it has the opportunity to hatch, then purchase a new coop. Drag the golden eggs from the dirty coop into the new, clean coop. Have your sim clean the dirty coop while the golden eggs are not in its inventory, then drag them back from the newly purchased coop once you’re finished. 
         I was having similar issues with this in my own game and this method seemed to work, as my golden eggs hatched into shimmering golden chicks! Hope this helps!