Re: [FIXED] [CoL] Hatchable eggs disappearing/spoiling
I have had this exact issue, I have no mods on this save in fact I don’t have any mods at all and my hatchable eggs are spoiling inside the hutch then my sims are auto throwing them out. I hatched two eggs before successfully but I’ve put in like 5 now that have all been thrown away after “spoiling” it’s getting really annoying. The actual action the sims says it’s performing is a picture of an egg that says “clear out” and by the time you click it away they still take the egg out and by then it’s turned into a trash bag. I have tried buying a new hutch which didn’t work the same thing happened. It’s starting to ruin the experience as this is my first time fully playing out a starting from nothing, no cheats, country living game play.