Forum Discussion
12 Replies
- EeveeTinn2 years agoSeasoned Ace@crinrict It is for sure a strange one, I have seen it in another Disc server I am in, but not found it here.
The cooker does not have any upgrades, nor did I use it. I placed it, and after few minutes all Sims could "smell" something although there was 100% nothing as I have a neat Sim. My neat Sim though was ofc very affected by the moodlet hahah. I rebuilt the whole kitchen (so also floors, walls) and set back the cooker, and it was still happening. I then had an idea to delete it, and the moodlet was gone right away. - crinrict2 years agoHero+@EeveeTinn Do other Sims have the same issue or just the neat one ?
- EeveeTinn2 years agoSeasoned Ace@crinrict My non-neat Sims just react with waving their hand as if it stinks, sometimes with the stinky boot bubble around the area where the cooker was, but not directly in front of it. Hence I thought it was a fridge or a stuck item, but nothing of that was dirty/stuck.
For them the moodlet only appears if I have one other stinky plate or surface (+ cooker). Without the cooker, the moodlet is gone even if the stinky plate is there.
I have deleted the cooker and placed it a new one now, so far no moodlet or stink animations, so will keep testing as it is not 100% of the time it happens, it just pops up, even though I have not used it yet. - EeveeTinn2 years agoSeasoned Ace
It just happened again: when I deleted the cooker, the Sim lost the moodlet, and also the pose reset in build mode
- EeveeTinn2 years agoSeasoned Ace
It happened again, so I wanted to show the pose reset after removing the cooker.
- @crinrict This happens to my sims too. I tried it in multiple lots, upgraded, not upgraded, in a unit and in a residential lot and it is definitely the rice cooker in my game.
I'm seeing it, but only with tea kettles. I have sold and replaced them and changed the type of tea kettle. I had to remove everything from my kitchen, and slowly add things, to see what was causing the "filthy surroundings" uncomfortable moodlet.
- JDLgnd2 years agoSeasoned Adventurer
I started a new game and played in the same world of tomarang I'm living in a rental unit this time I didn't pick the neat trait and so far both the pressure cooker and kettle are not giving me a dirty surroundings moodlet. I think the neat trait is a issue seeing its bugged cause you can never fully clean an object the option to clean is always there.
- Rebekyy2 years agoRising Hotshot
This is a bug that has existed for a while. The tea sets from My Wedding Stories have this bug also and its so annoying being unable to serve tea to the guests because they all freak out about the supposed "filth"
- EeveeTinn2 years agoSeasoned Ace@JDLgnd neat Sims can always clean objects, that's not a bug 🙂
Non-neat Sims still react to this bug - they will still react as if there are some dirty dishes, they will get the "stinky boot" bubble and they will wave their hands in front of their nose as if it stinks (at least that's what happens to my non-neat sims with these items) - Siluial11 months agoSeasoned Scout@EeveeTinn Me too - I'm following on the off chance it ever gets fixed because it'd be fun to use. Delete pressure cooker and the problem of the 'dirty surroundings' goes away. I removed the mold on the lot. Everything else is clean. My neat Sim can get a temp fix if I have him do a cleaning frenzy but there's nothing for him to clean.
- amjoie11 months agoRising Ace
King Zace has a No Spoils mod, if you do not mind using mods. You might want to try that.
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