Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [FR] Constantly dirty surroundings moodlet from Pressure Cooker/Kettle

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? tiny living, snowy escape, seasons, perfect patio stuff, my first pet stuff, modern luxe kit, laundry day stuff, home chef hustle stuff pack, holiday celebration pack, get together, get to work, fitness stuff, eco lifestyle, for rent, dream home decorator, discover university, dine out, desert luxe kit, cottage living, city living, cats & dogs, book nook kit, life of the party digital content, up all night digital content, street eats digital content
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Click on a toilet, counter, or other cleanable item, including microwaves, etc, and notice that Polish to Perfection, etc. are available. The Sim will get a filthy surroundings moodlet as well.
What happens when the bug occurs? When clicking on a counter, or being in the kitchen, for example, in a brand new rental, there is a moodlet for filthy surroundings and every item possible is cleanable. There is no way to keep everything clean, and there appears to be a bug. Even hiring a maid service didn't solve the issue.
What do you expect to see? Expect to not have dirty items in the rental unit upon immediately moving in, should not show cleaning options on already clean objects.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. I installed the latest For Rent expansion, which also included the Street Eats DLC included with the pre-order.

No additional information other than what is described in the boxes above. For some reason, all cleanable objects, which are already clean, are showing options to clean them, along with a filthy surroundings moodlet. This appears to happen in rental units after the For Rent expansion was installed. It's unclear if it is happening in normal residential units.

5 Replies

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  • iNanite's avatar
    2 years ago

    @crinrict I think that's probably more accurate to what is going on. I do have a neat sim in this case with the kettle and pressure cooker in the kitchen. I'll try some of the other tests with the post you linked and see if I can narrow down the cause.

    Thanks for your suggestions!


  • Just popping in to say I'm also experiencing this bug. I have a neat sim and removing either (or sometimes both) the electric kettle and rice cooker removes the filthy surroundings moodlet. I play on PC. I'm on the lot in the for rent world with mold trait

  • MissPlumbob123's avatar
    2 years ago

    Furthermore! I'd put the electric kettle and pressure cooker in my sims inventory to remove the dirty surroundings buff. I just had the option to remove dirty dishes from my sim's inventory through the option that usually comes up when you leave a dirty plate in your sim's inventory but this time it was the kettle and pressure cooker, when my sim took the 'dishes' from his inventory the kettle and pressure cooker disappeared (implying the game thought  they were dirty dishes) and then washed them up in the sink. Maybe they're coded in a way that makes them act like dirty dishes for some reason?

  • CashewQueen13's avatar
    2 years ago

    I experienced the same thing! I put the pressure cooker into my sims inventory to get rid of the smelly environment and she is a neat sim so she autonomously cleaned out the "dirty dishes" from her inventory which was in fact the pressure cooker itself.