Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [FR] Constantly dirty surroundings moodlet from Pressure Cooker/Kettle

~PC;Most Current Game Version; Own all content apart from Bust the Dust Kit; Event occurs following For Rent install; Able to replicate after removal of mods/thumbcache bin~

I'd experienced the same bug after placing both kettle and cooker in my sims' kitchen (and fully upgrading both..<sigh>). I'm playing a residential home lot in Tartosa, not a rental res lot. None of my sims have the Neat trait. However, all are Spellcasters. The option appeared to cast the 'Scruberoo' spell on both new FR appliances. In addition to their complaints about foul phantom smells, I'd witnessed another strange occurrence. When I'd directed a sim to cast Scruberoo on both kettle then cooker, one after the other had disappeared into a void of nothingness, never to be seen again. Whilst the spell is meant to clean objects/sims rather than vanish them entirely, this may seem an impressive upgrade to their Practical Magic skill. Sadly, I'd hoped to see my witches enjoying new cups of tea and veg meals. Meanwhile, I'll download NateTheL0ser's mod because we must. Many thanks for that recommendation.

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