Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [FR] Constantly dirty surroundings moodlet from Pressure Cooker/Kettle

I am experiencing the same issue in any lot that contains the pressure cooker or tea kettle. I'm playing without mods.

My neat sim has a constant uncomfortable moodlet and complains of dirty surroundings when the pressure cooker and tea kettle are on the lot. My non-neat sims do NOT get the moodlet, but will still wave their hands in the air and get the stinky boot bubble in random parts of the living room. Removing these appliances solved the problem. 

Please fix this as soon as possible! These appliances are the only reason I got the For Rent expansion pack and provide amazing gameplay. 

4 Replies

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  • simsplayer818's avatar
    2 years ago

    Product: The Sims 4

    Platform: Xbox Series X 

    Which language are you playing the game in? English

    How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

    What is your current game version number?

    What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All content installed except for Vampires 

    Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Get a Neat Sim to stand near a pressure cooker.

    What happens when the bug occurs? Sim gets an uncomfortable moodlet saying there are dirty surroundings when nothing is dirty. Even in a brand new unused kitchen.

    What do you expect to see? I expect my Sim to not react as if clean kitchens are dirty.

    Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? On console Never used.

    Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes

    Please describe the patch or change you made. I added For Rent and Bust the Dust 

    My Sim is complaining about dirty surroundings but only in kitchens with the appliances mentioned on this thread. It happened after I accepted the Neat Trait for her when it popped up, she was fine before that. I've rebuilt her kitchen completely, replaced everything and she still had it. She visited her boyfriend and again in his kitchen she was miserable and complaining but his flat is brand new. It hadn't been used yet and it was spotless. He's not complaining it's dirty when I play his household. I also switched households to her sister and sent her over as she doesn't have the Neat Trait and she was fine while standing in the same space.

    I've been going around in circles trying to figure out what was wrong. I chose Cleaning Frenzy, I vacuumed everywhere, bathed her dogs daily, nothing works. So after finding this thread I tested moving some appliances into the utility room and sure enough she's fine now...until she goes into the utility room.

  • siirysiir's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    Seeing that NateTheL0ser already figured out what's wrong, this should be a quick fix, right? And all the other appliances with the same incorrect tuning will be fixed too, right?

  • siirysiir's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    12 months ago

    Please let this be fixed in the next patch. All the small appliances from For Rent are useless! This is such a disaster of an expansion pack.. 😞