Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [FR] [DO] [GTW] [CD] Business ownership not recognized in business tab

Same for me, landlord is unplay-able whatever I try.

I can do everything mentioned in this post but once I purchase the residential lot again and go back home it dissapears from the right bottom menu.

I also can't access any options in my phone, it's basically like I've never owned a rental residential however if I go to the manage worlds and hover over the rental unit it does mention it's owned by my sim.

I do not use mods.

20 Replies

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  • Exactly the same here, I’m now trying the suggestions from here
    I was so excited to play the new expansion pack ☹️
  • pocketcrybaby's avatar
    2 years ago

    @pocketcrybabyI’ve managed to get the landlord functions to work by buying a normal base game residential lot and turning that into a rental, it’s not what I was originally aiming to do but at least the gameplay is functional! Good luck to anyone else experiencing this 🙂

  • That's the only way I could get mine to work as well. I also had to make most of the lot shared to be able to have the landlord use anything in the home. 

  • Yanikoneko's avatar
    2 years ago

    Does it solve ownership of the original house ?....I spend hours bulding my medieval puddin' lane  don't wanna lose it.

  • crinrict's avatar
    2 years ago

    Did you guys have issues with high rents and/or trying to change lot types which got stuck ?

  • Cictiz's avatar
    2 years ago

    No I didn't, I only have the issue where residential rentals dissapear from the owned businesses menu.

    I've seen the 4 mil rent bug, but have not experienced it myself yet.

  • crinrict's avatar
    2 years ago
    @Cictiz Does your Sim live in the same world/same building or a different one ?

    Did you do anything specific when it disappeared ? Switch household ? Reload the game ? Travel ?
  • katamh's avatar
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I've been having both of those problems as well (residential rental ownership disappearing, and also being unable to change lot type). I've turned cheats off, tried to replace lots both in build mode and in world view, still happening. I even changed a residential rental to an art center to at least try and get it out of the residential options, but it's still showing up with the residential rental icon and "units/tenants" when moused over :/

  • Cictiz's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi @crinrict 🙂

    My sim lives in a apartment complex in San Myshuno. I'm going to clarify the steps I've taken that resulted in the bug.

    1) My sim started renting a residential rental apartment in san myshuno [from another landlord set by the game]

    2) My sim bought a residential rental in Oasis Springs

    3) I get automatically traveled to the apartment complex I bought in Oasis Springs

    4) Because I want to add tenants to the complex I travel back home to my San Myshuno residental renting apartment my sim rents and lives in.

    5) I open the menu to do so and it says "You do not own any residential rentals right now" with the big "Buy a residential rental" button underneat as if I never purchased it before.

    This is step by step exactly what I did that resulted in this bug, I have tried this multiple times.

    Some things I've tried:
    • Took all mods out of my game [Didn't add them back].

    • Started a new save without any mods at all.

    • Tried it trough a different household.

    • Tried to do it whilst living in the same world [living in San myshuno and buying a residential rental in San myshuno].

    But everytime the second my sim heads to another location or travels back home it results into the same bug.

    I hope that gives you some information, feel free to ask more if nescessary 🙂

  • Cictiz's avatar
    2 years ago

    @Nati7543 Me neither, I'm currently playing with another save and hoping for a patch that will fix this bug soon. ♥

  • @Cictiz I really want them to come out with that patch yet :/ so sad to buy Expansion pack that I can't even play properly...
  • I'm experiencing same issue it happened all out of sudden, working for one Sim day, and suddenly ownership on rental building doesn't appear any more. When I go to edit mode via manage worlds, it still says that my family is owner of the lot and can sell it, though. Waiting for the patch ☹️

  • HellRazer0324's avatar
    2 years ago

    This worked for me until I shut down my game. when I reopened, same problem: not in the owned businesses tab, but in manage worlds, it says my sim owns the property. Hopefully the issue gets patched soon

  • Hi,

    I have exactly the same issue.  I don't use mods.  I have tried everything suggested to fix it.  Only additional difference I have now is I can no longer own a business.  It says the same as the rental; you own it, but you can't access it or play in it.  Yet everytime I have rebought and rebuilt it keeps the money.  My game worked perfectly before I installed For Rent.  Very regrettable purchase.

    kind regards


  • wilsonannier's avatar
    2 years ago

    I'm having the same issue - it says my family owns this rental but it's not there when I go into the owned businesses menu. If I try to sell it from the world the game freezes. If I move the owners into the property it still says I don't own any properties. If I then go into BB mode I can see 2 units available, and when I go back into play mode it says I own 4 units!! I can only see 2 in the unit menu in BB.

    I've removed all CC, I've cleared cashes, I've gone back to old saves.. Nothing will fix it.

    I'm so so sad I had such high hopes for this expansion and now I can't play my game at all. This is my reminder not to buy new packs - wait a few months until they iron out the bugs.

  • finixbird's avatar
    Rising Novice
    2 years ago

    I started having this issue since yesterday. Have mods or CC. Even recovered an earlier version of the game but still having the same issue. My landlord's property is not visible on the panel, and she can do nothing with it. Can't play residential rental with new households anymore.

  • finixbird's avatar
    Rising Novice
    2 years ago

    Sorry, meant to say I have no mods or cc installed.