Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [FR] Residential Rental Lot Name Keeps Reverting to Default Lot Name

Product: The Sims 4


Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What is your current game version number?

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them (this issue is related to the For Rent EP)

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?

1. First, Create your build as a Residential lot, and give this lot a name. Then, convert it into a Residential Rental, set up your units (initially, they will automatically be named using the original Lot Name, and not the one you choose), give each unit the name you want in the Unit Configuration panel, and define the number of beds and baths here too.

2. Exit the lot, and go back to the map view. The Lot Name is no longer the one you chose, but the orignal Lot Name. Similarly, when you click on the lot to select the unit you want to visit/edit, the Unit Names are not the ones you previously defined in the Unit Configuration panel, but the automatically generated ones that use the original Lot Name. It seems to me that the "Unit Name in the Unit Configuration panel" and the "Unit Lot Name" are two different things, and that they are not linked. You can change these "Unit Lot Names" manually in the map view (or if you load the lot in Live Mode/Build mode, as the "Unit Lot Name" will also show up here), but you should't have to.

3. If you load the lot in build mode (by clicking on the icon on the bottom right corner without selecting a unit), you can change the Lot Name (not the Unit Lot Names) that reverted back to the original one. If you return to map view, the Lot Name will be the right one when you hover on the lot, but if you click on it to select the unit you want to visit, the text displayed at the top will still show the original Lot Name and not the one you have chosen.

4. If you save the lot in the gallery/library, and install it in another save (this will also happen if someone else download it and install it). The Lot Name, Unit Names (both in the Unit Configuration panel and map view), and the number of beds and baths are not the one you choose, but the original one (for the beds and baths, the numbers are set to zero). The colors of each units and the lot traits/challenges work fine.

What happens when the bug occurs?

As explained above (in the "Steps" section), there are many inconsistencies with the Residential Rental lot names and unit names, between what you set up in build mode and what appears in the map view.

In addition, some informations (lot name, unit names, number of beds and baths) are not saved when sharing/installing a Residential Rental lot from the gallery.

What do you expect to see?

The global Lot Name you choose shouldn't revert back to the original one when converting a lot to Residential Rental, should be saved in the gallery (and applied when installing the lot from the gallery), and should show up correctly in the map view, in the window where you can select an unit to visit/edit. The Unit Names in the Unit Configuration panel and the Unit Lot Names in map view (and when you load the unit in Live mode/Build mode) should be identical/linked. The Unit Names should be saved in the gallery (and applied when installing the lot from the gallery)

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I've tried to explain the problem as clearly as possible, mainly in the Steps section above.

The Lot Name you choose will revert back to the original Lot Name when you convert your lot into a Residential Rental lot. And if you install a Residential Rental lot from the library/gallery, the lot will still use the original Lot Name instead on the real Lot Name). In addition, in map view, in the window where you can select the unit you want to visit/edit, the Lot Name displayed on top is not the one you chose, but the name of the Original Lot (even if you've edited the terrain to give it the right Lot Name, and it's displayed correctly in the standard map view).

The Unit Names you set up in the Unit Configuration panel are not linked to the Unit Lot Names that appear in the map view (or when you load a unit in Live mode/Build mode). And if you install a Residential Rental lot from the library/gallery, the Units Names you chose before saving the lot revert back to the original one (using the original Lot Name). Also, the number of beds and baths is not saved. 

3 Replies

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  • LunarBritney's avatar
    Rising Ace
    2 years ago
    Extremely annoying issue, hopefully it gets resolved soon!
  • LadyFu83's avatar
    New Hotshot
    2 years ago

    Can confirm I have the same issues. After some testing I also noticed this:

    If you change the lot's and units' name in the map view lot description and save, everything is fine. Exit the game, restart, load the save results in the lot keeps my edited names and text. But as soon as I bulldoze the lot all names + descriptions revert back to the origin one (of the world lot itself, so names given by EA presets are back). If you put your residental rent lot onto it again, all lot names ü descriptions are gone ... all the work is gone. Too bad.

    So to other simmers: If you put efford into naming your residental renting lot and units, made a description to them I either recommend to save your texts into a separate text file on your computer or - better - don't bulldoze the lot.

  • calmhere's avatar
    New Traveler
    2 years ago

    It is the same for me. It happens every time/every residential rental lot.