Re: [FIXED] [GALLERY] Followers & Followed People are gone/ Low Follower cap
Thank you for making this bug report Ina. I'm having the exact same issues with my following number. I can thankfully still see most everyone I was following but I currently have 0 followers. It's taken me 7 years to grow a wonderful group of followers and friends in our gallery community and now, most of them have been removed from my account. I have had a few friends tell me that even though I can't see them in my following tab, they are still there and see when I share something. While I'm grateful that there are some still there even though it says 0, I know most are gone because my likes and download totals have dropped significantly.
I've talked with many simmers now who are either struggling with a severe loss of people whom they can follow, a drastic loss of people who follow them or in some cases both issues are occurring.
Also, concerning followers, while I do seem to have most everyone I was following still showing for me in my following list, I have one account that I'm now following that is completely unfamiliar to me. It's like the gallery randomly followed someone for me. I've heard this report from a couple of other gallery friends too.
Please fix this concern asap ~
GLovely1 ~ Lisa