Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [GALLERY] Followers & Followed People are gone/ Low Follower cap

We all had the issue, so I think that many simmers have lost many followers. Now, we can follow back the freinds we lost in the one we were following.
Now my question is: will we get all our followers back, or will I have to start like sort of newbie, after 9 years that I bulit my reputation on the gallery? I understand that many are no more active, but it it could be very sad to see what we built for so many years to be ruined. Thank you for replying.

2 Replies

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  • dzidziak86's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    2 years ago

    I have the same issue. I am also wondering if we will get all our followers back. I have been working really hard for my name in the Gallery since the beginning and I know that I am not the only one. It is really sad to see what is happening with the Gallery right now. 

  • Xerlan's avatar
    2 years ago

    I am so frustrated. It just erased all the artists I was following. I can follow them again but, then it doesn't stick. I tried to follow a bunch and then go to following and nothing, nada, zip... I can't imagine how the artists must feel. Does anyone know when or if it will be fixed?