Re: [FIXED] [GALLERY] Followers & Followed People are gone/ Low Follower cap
Some of us have some theories for you to consider and troubleshoot. We feel as though the gallery has possibly reverted back to a previous time period as a friend told me she has some old simmers she used to follow in her list but she knows she unfollowed them a couple years back. Me personally, I think the older the account the more glitches and/or loss of followers we've experienced. I've spoken to numerous friends who are feeling the same. Older accounts have a much larger volume of data to package up and move to another server. I believe the older the account = the more loss of followers, following, downloads, actual total creations shared, etc. Older accounts could be experiencing any, all, even more or maybe none of these issues - if they're lucky. The gallery bug list goes on and on. I think there is validity in this old accounts are more damaged theory as my weekly download and like totals have dropped by approximately 50% since before the 5/30 update. These drops, I suspect, are a result of my follower loss as well as the newsfeed being gone (different issue). When I look at veteran accounts who've been creating for years, I also see a drop in their overall likes and downloads, same as me. Our likes and downloads come from our followers first and foremost but the newsfeed is important too. If we've lost a percentage of our followers, or worse, can't even follow anyone, then we're losing many people who enjoy our content not to mention likes and downloads. When will we have an update or a genuine fix for this?!