Re: [FIXED] [GALLERY] Followers & Followed People are gone/ Low Follower cap
As one of those Veteran Account Holders, This Entirely Deleted Friends and Followers Issue has put an absolute damper on my ability to continue to create the No CC Content I've built a reputation on. Before this fiasco, I was about to pass a hard won 3k follower milestone. GONE! What is the point of Creating Content for a Follower Base if there is No Follower Base.
To have spent THOUSANDS of DOLLARS and Over 20 YEARS on this Franchise, to be Shot Down and Not Given a Thought or Consideration is an INSULT to Every One of US that have Loved and Helped to make TheSims what it is Today. And You're Losing Us.
We Deserve Better.
*Of course, I pre-ordered Horse Ranch. After years of training, why wouldn't I. But I am losing faith in and respect for this beloved franchise.