Re: [FIXED] Glasses frame distorted
It doesn't work for glasses but I'm leaving the links here because this other thing affects everyone patched. If I can find what's broken for glasses, I'll be back with a fix!
It's NOT a Deformer Map, I checked, but if the "Spine distortion" is any indication, it has to be a file/config that is shared by all Face Presets (if you click through the Face Presets you'll notice the glasses distorts differently), unless they really broke every single Face Preset.
Speaking of which, does anyone know where the bloody Face Presets are located? They're not in CAS Presets, but they're supposed to be in CAS Presets(?) because CC Face Presets are categorized as CAS Presets! What is happening?! I'll ask over in S4S forums in case anyone there knows.
Can someone experiencing this please try this fix and let me know if it works?
On SimFileShare:
On CurseForge:
This fixes this:
In the event EAxis removes this link, you can it on Patreon or CurseForge, my name is the same. I have no idea how long it will take CurseForge to review it since it's 4:10 AM my time. I'll probably also upload it to my Sims4Studio Creator Studio. It's also on Tumblr!36 18 Deformer Maps were modified in the July 23rd patch. They're either corrupted or configured improperly. Since we all have the same issue, it means the problem is at the source and no amount of game repair will fix it.
I'm not entirely sure what EAxis was trying to do, but they didn't.
I can only tag 20 of you, sorry.