Forum Discussion
87 Replies
- Costa6 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Same problem for me. Most of flowers disappear from sims' inventory. I reload an old version and all back to normal.
Anyway the premiere event on calendar disappear at 6 am instead pop up in both save game.
all flowers disappear again when i travel in another lot
- crinrict6 years agoHero+
@Costa Just the flowers or other harvestables too ?
@hexadecimal Merged your post with existing post on the issue.
- Costa6 years agoSeasoned Veteran
@crinrict i just checked: harvestables too. i Had 5 potato before travel.
@hexadecimal thanks for info. Anyway i deactivate all mods and CC before post a bug.
- MapleSimmer6 years agoSeasoned Ace
I can confirm I have seen this in one save where my sims have a lot of good or better quality harvestables. They had a lot so I can't say for sure if everything just disappeared or if some things went to normal instead of disappearing, but I did notice some items disappearing (some money fruit that was better quality, they had spliced it onto other plants which made it harvestable), perfect wolfsbane, etc. I've taken two videos, one before (I had to recover the save to go back 🙂 ) and one afterwards. I can try to put it together and upload if you'd like to see it visually. I didn't notice any issues in a save where the plants were only normal (ie in a different save, so far I've only had a chance to check in two saves but I can check in others when I get a chance).
Best regards,
Jennifer @crinrict I've tested from all my saves, and it is happening in all of them. I'm cleared out the "cache" for the sims and done the origin repair and it's still happening. I made a video of it. will 'me too' and can confirm in my game. In my tests:
- All items seem to be in place properly upon initially loading the household or retail lot.
- Flowers in the the flower table & personal inventory can be taken to another lot (in personal inventory) but when you return to the home lot they are no longer on the lot or in personal inventory. Exception: 6 begonias remain in my flower arranging table consistently. (Please see 'Note' below... this is apparently because of their quality. @Maple Simmer#4903 discovered this detail!)
- Prepared food in the refrigerator or Lice Cold Freezer seems to remain fine, but not produce left in either. Produce there is also stripped upon re-entry.
- The sim does not appear to receive any funds for the deleted produce and flowers.
- In storage chests, produce/herbs are stripped when re-entering the lot, but my fossils, collectable statues, magic beans, gems, and metals remained.
- Produce and flowers that are still on their plants (not harvested yet) do appear to remain when leaving and re-entering the lot.
- Produce and flowers stored in the household inventory remain when returning.
Workarounds I found:
- You can sell the produce and flowers in your sims' personal inventory, flower arranging tables, and storage boxes before you leave the lot to make sure you get your money since they cannot be saved.
- You should be able to take flowers and produce to another lot with you in your personal inventory (to cook with on your retail lot, make flower arrangements with on a retail lot there, or sell on that lot. Just make sure you sell in inventory all that remains afterward of these items, as they will be deleted when you return to the lot, or if you try to return to the home with them.
💡 Note: I did not track by plant quality as @MapleSimmer mentioned - great catch - but I should possibly mention with that in mind that most or all of my plants are perfect in quality.
💡 **EDIT: I just re-tested the begonias that were left in the flower-arranging table on re entry... They were all 'normal' quality!**I'm so sad. I have sim households with many valuable flowers and produce items in inventory, so I share your pain. Plus this cuts deeply into my play-style with these households.
P.S.... I love your dancing mouse curser on the loading screen. 🙂
SheriGR ☕ – I play on Mac, no Mods or CC, & on current version.
I don’t work for EA.Me Too – if you also have this problem – first post on thread has this button
XP – for helpful comments (& to help others 'level up')
Mark As Solution – to help others find the answer to the issue now & in the futureI have the same problem.
Have tested with mod turned off and it does not help, vegetables disappear anyway.Same problem here.
I'm playing with my first ever vampire, and all his plasma fruit keep dissappearing. Also wolfsbane, garlic and flowers (have no other veg plants).
Exceptions: the plasma fruit count in the fridge stayed at 21 for a while even with traveling (I put in well over a hundred), and one apple and one pomegranate in the Sim's inventory stay where they are.
All harvestables in the household inventory are untouched. Luckily, I always put one of every harvestable in the household inventory because I'm paranoid.
So for now, I sell everything right away and eat my fill of plasma fruit as soon as they're harvested.
PS: so far I have not paid attention to the quality, but all this is happening since the patch two days ago.
I have been noticing the same for all my perfect death flowers.
Even when I reload a previous save.
I have also tried making copypasto copies of death flowers and they too will disappear upon travelling to a different lot.
Another glitch I have seen after the new patch is my "give potion" options appear multiple times in two action wheels.- crinrict6 years agoHero+
Question: Does this issue still crop up for you guys if you have University ?
Still happens with University pack
- crinrict6 years agoHero+
- @crinrict Happend just with the harvestable things in inventory with better then normal quality. Normal quality flowers and plants stayed. Worse is the fast decrease of needs of all sims, especially toddlers. I see there is so many mistakes after november patch, I hope they will make some fix soon...
I had a sim move home after university and all the fruits in his inventory disappeared, and I can't move anything out of his ICYA chest, except things where you can select "Place in World."
- @crinrict Yeah still happening after installing University Pack. I have repaired it several times.
Who has tried uninstalling everything - wiping the registry and then reinstalling everything and pasting in your save files? I've been having the same problem with harvestables, but I just opened my bookcase and it is empty. All my ROM tomes that I collected are gone. This may be a problem for anything that holds inventory of some kind?
- @liliflur I don't have ROM tomes disappearing problem. However, I keep my tomes in a chest.
Sorry I wasn't more clear, all my books from the bookcase were gone, it's just the ROM tomes missing I'm ticked off about. There isn't anything to suggest that ROM has anything to do with the bug. Thank-you for the info though, I'll try keeping the replacements in a chest until EA fixes this.
- danceswithchaos6 years agoNew Adventurer@Daemonten That is exactly what is happening with mine. Only the last time, I didn't even leave the lot. I just exited my game and when I re-opened all evolved items from the fridge and personal inventories were all gone. The normal level items seems to stay, anything evolved completely disappears. I think one household lost over 30k simoleons in dragonfruit and orchids... But I didn't notice it at first so if I go back, I lose over a sim week of gameplay for an 8 person household which takes forever.
I am in a new game and I downloaded lots I previously saved to the gallery. I created a brand new sim and collected perfect, magnificent, excellent, and nice plants and added them to garden plots. I then saved the room to the gallery. No plants would save, just an empty room. I then changed the fence to walls and added a roof. Same thing. No plants will save, just an empty room.
You can see that the room I am saving has plants in it, but in the gallery no plants are saved.
Saving the lot, it looks like it saves all of the plants.
Doesn't really help me for the garden plots I was trying to save though.
I tweeted this url to the simgurus. Hopefully one of them will read the tweet. If not, can others tweet them so that it gets their attention. Thanks
@troshalom I see in your screenshots that you have sprinklers in the room, and I'm not sure what type of flooring, if any. I also see that it looks like you have a Mod &/or CC in place? Anyway, I thought I would mention the method I used for my plant rooms in the past. I'm assuming it works the same currently, but it may not:
- If you want a greenhouse with sprinklers and plants, in order for the plants to save with it I think you will need to upload to the library/gallery as a lot. Following is a technique I have used to make greenhouses with sprinklers to add to the gallery (as a lot), or as part of my lot/home.
I just re-added an old build I had where I did this combination/technique for the greenhouse in the back yard: - You can upload a 'greenhouse shell' as a room, and also upload a plant room to add to the shell room. I have done this in the past and took them out of the gallery, but I just re-added them just in case this would be useful for you to see.
Plant Room:
You can load plants in a room though:
SheriGR ☕ – I don’t work for EA
- If you want a greenhouse with sprinklers and plants, in order for the plants to save with it I think you will need to upload to the library/gallery as a lot. Following is a technique I have used to make greenhouses with sprinklers to add to the gallery (as a lot), or as part of my lot/home.
@SheriGR I removed the sprinklers and bee box to see if they were the problem. I saved the Alien Patch to the gallery, this outdoor garden room has three types of plants in it. Only one plant type saved.
1- My garden plot with 3 plant types. 2 - only one plant type will upload 3 - garden plot in the gallery 4 - garden plot I downloaded from the gallery with only one plant type.
Also, I am using the pre-made Gardening Haven room from Seasons. I modified it and removed the floor so I can plant plants in the ground.
I have actually downloaded a garden room with perfect alien plants, but cannot upload those same items back if they are in the ground. I never had that problem in the past. I have downloaded gardens that were in the ground and not in pots.
I tried it again with plants downloaded from the gallery.
1- item from the gallery. 2-I placed plants in the ground only one plant uploads. 3-I place plants back in the pot they will upload.
This is a bug.
@troshalom If the plants are planted directly into the ground I believe the they must be saved as a lot, not a room to make the transition to library & gallery and back to placement.
Edit... I just tested with the tentacle tree an alien fruit plants I have... The tentacle tree did upload and download in a room planted directly into the ground, but not the alien fruit plant. However, if they were in planters in a room and not directly in the ground they both uploaded and downloaded to my library, and all of them - directly in the ground or in a room or not uploaded and downloaded in a lot.
Also, I should mention that trees need a room of medium height or tall height or they will delete when placed, and if you place trees in a room on a lot it must have medium or tall walls or the tree will delete when placing. Workaround if your home has regular height walls you can go down a couple of levels of basement, make a room there and make the height of that room medium or tall, place your tree room from the gallery there, grab the tree and plant it, then delete those rooms.@SheriGRIt's a bug. I put them all in pots in a room with a floor, walls and roof and the plants did not save. It is a bug.
You can save a room with mature plants to the Gallery. Search and you'll see rooms saved in the past. It is a bug.- RandomBuzziness6 years agoSeasoned Vanguard@Costa I had the same issue with the "TV Season Premiere" holiday disappearing at 6 am. All of the "Surprise" holidays like Play The Lottery, Talk Like a Pirate, etc., disappear at 6 am on the day they are supposed to occur. This happens in two different cc/mod-free saves. I created a Bug Report just in case anyone else is having this problem.
I also have the disappearing harvestables bug in both saves.
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