Forum Discussion

Costa's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
6 years ago

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

@Daemonten @crinrict 

Same problem for me. Most of flowers disappear from sims' inventory. I reload an old version and all back to normal. 

Anyway the premiere event on calendar disappear at 6 am instead pop up in both save game.


all flowers disappear again when i travel in another lot

5 Replies

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  • Costa's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    6 years ago

    @crinrict i just checked: harvestables too. i Had 5 potato before travel.

    @hexadecimal thanks for info. Anyway i deactivate all mods and CC before post a bug. 

  • MapleSimmer's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago

    I can confirm I have seen this in one save where my sims have a lot of good or better quality harvestables.  They had a lot so I can't say for sure if everything just disappeared or if some things went to normal instead of disappearing, but I did notice some items disappearing (some money fruit that was better quality, they had spliced it onto other plants which made it harvestable), perfect wolfsbane, etc.  I've taken two videos, one before (I had to recover the save to go back 🙂 ) and one afterwards.  I can try to put it together and upload if you'd like to see it visually.  I didn't notice any issues in a save where the plants were only normal (ie in a different save, so far I've only had a chance to check in two saves but I can check in others when I get a chance). 

    Best regards,

  • RandomBuzziness's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    @Costa I had the same issue with the "TV Season Premiere" holiday disappearing at 6 am. All of the "Surprise" holidays like Play The Lottery, Talk Like a Pirate, etc., disappear at 6 am on the day they are supposed to occur. This happens in two different cc/mod-free saves. I created a Bug Report just in case anyone else is having this problem.

    I also have the disappearing harvestables bug in both saves.
  • @crinrict Other harvestables, too. Chars won't accept tasks that require harvestables, i.e. flower arranging, herbalism remedy. I have 20-30 plant varieties, harvested all, tried to perform herbalism and couldn't. Travelled to see if it would fix, returned - all but 4-5 stacks had disappeared and had changed to normal quality (most of my garden is magnificent and above).