Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory


I will 'me too' and can confirm in my game. In my tests:

  • All items seem to be in place properly upon initially loading the household or retail lot.
  • Flowers in the the flower table & personal inventory can be taken to another lot (in personal inventory) but when you return to the home lot they are no longer on the lot or in personal inventory. Exception: 6 begonias remain in my flower arranging table consistently. (Please see 'Note' below... this is apparently because of their quality. @Maple Simmer#4903 discovered this detail!)
  • Prepared food in the refrigerator or Lice Cold Freezer seems to remain fine, but not produce left in either. Produce there is also stripped upon re-entry.
  • The sim does not appear to receive any funds for the deleted produce and flowers.
  • In storage chests, produce/herbs are stripped when re-entering the lot, but my fossils, collectable statues, magic beans, gems, and metals remained.


  • Produce and flowers that are still on their plants (not harvested yet) do appear to remain when leaving and re-entering the lot.
  • Produce and flowers stored in the household inventory remain when returning.

Workarounds I found:

  • You can sell the produce and flowers in your sims' personal inventory, flower arranging tables, and storage boxes before you leave the lot to make sure you get your money since they cannot be saved.
  • You should be able to take flowers and produce to another lot with you in your personal inventory (to cook with on your retail lot, make flower arrangements with on a retail lot there, or sell on that lot. Just make sure you sell in inventory all that remains afterward of these items, as they will be deleted when you return to the lot, or if you try to return to the home with them.

💡 Note: I did not track by plant quality as @MapleSimmer mentioned - great catch - but I should possibly mention with that in mind that most or all of my plants are perfect in quality. 
💡 **EDIT: I just re-tested the begonias that were left in the flower-arranging table on re entry... They were all 'normal' quality!**

I'm so sad. I have sim households with many valuable flowers and produce items in inventory, so I share your pain. Plus this cuts deeply into my play-style with these households.

P.S.... I love your dancing mouse curser on the loading screen. 🙂

SheriGR ☕ – I play on Mac, no Mods or CC, & on current version.
I don’t work for EA.

Me Too – if you also have this problem – first post on thread has this button
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