Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

I have the same problem.
Have tested with mod turned off and it does not help, vegetables disappear anyway.

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  • Same problem here.

    I'm playing with my first ever vampire, and all his plasma fruit keep dissappearing. Also wolfsbane, garlic and flowers (have no other veg plants).

    Exceptions: the plasma fruit count in the fridge stayed at 21 for a while even with traveling (I put in well over a hundred), and one apple and one pomegranate in the Sim's inventory stay where they are.

    All harvestables in the household inventory are untouched. Luckily, I always put one of every harvestable in the household inventory because I'm paranoid.

    So for now, I sell everything right away and eat my fill of plasma fruit as soon as they're harvested.

    PS: so far I have not paid attention to the quality, but all this is happening since the patch two days ago.