Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory
Same problem here.
I'm playing with my first ever vampire, and all his plasma fruit keep dissappearing. Also wolfsbane, garlic and flowers (have no other veg plants).
Exceptions: the plasma fruit count in the fridge stayed at 21 for a while even with traveling (I put in well over a hundred), and one apple and one pomegranate in the Sim's inventory stay where they are.
All harvestables in the household inventory are untouched. Luckily, I always put one of every harvestable in the household inventory because I'm paranoid.
So for now, I sell everything right away and eat my fill of plasma fruit as soon as they're harvested.
PS: so far I have not paid attention to the quality, but all this is happening since the patch two days ago.