Forum Discussion
12 Replies
I started a new game, so far my produce seems to stay put, but they're only normal quality at the moment.
I'll have to wait and see as I get further into the game if it keeps happening, and when my produce gets better quality.
Edit: nope. Still happens. 😡
@stephrules1991 I posted some information and workarounds for now that may be helpful for your situation - please check in comment #12. Thanks!
- CGrant566 years agoHero+
After trying a few things yesterday to figure out what was going on, I came to the conclusion that any havestables above normal quality disappear from the 3 storage containers when you save and exit for sure. a couple of oddities did show up. When I traveled to the Magic Realm with half the household, when I returned, the harvestables above normal quality appeared to still be in the containers but couldn't be accessed by cooking or spellmaking cauldron. When I traveled with the entire household, every harvestable above normal had disappeared upon return to the home lot. Another thing was that I had laid out some flowers in a planting bed that were perfect but hadn't planted. When I got back to the lot, they were still there. Any harvestables in my traveling sims inventories also stayed there unit I saved, quit and restarted the game. On opening the lot after the restart, everything above normal quality was gone again. One last thing, before I traveled, I harvested some wild sage and parsley in Glimmerbrook and made note of the quantities of each. All were normal and I stored a few of them in each container (fridge, box and flower bench). Also bought some apples and potatoes in the magic realm, both normal quality. On return from travel and after restart, all of the purchased harvestables and any I harvested from wild plants were still there. Bottom line I think is any harvestable above normal quality will disappear. The work around is to just use normal quality plants until a fix is made. There are multiple ways to get them. Seed packs, harvesting wild plants and buying from the various vendors in CL, RoM, harvesting festival plants, etc.
- @CGrant56 I also noticed that when my scientist went to work he couldn't use the harvestables in his inventory. When he came home they disappeared. I did find out that I could sell the harvestables on the scientist lot even though I couldn't use them in serums. Thank you for the work around...using normal quality plants won't affect the serums, and I can just sell anything I'm growing.
- CGrant566 years agoHero+
@BantamMenace74 Good to know. I haven't tried going to the lab yet. Another thing that I tried today was playing a couple of other households for a few minutes. All of their harvestables were there in their containers and inventories when I entered the lot. This time I saved and exited to the main menu then went back in on the same save to the first household I was playing and all was still there. So it seems that if you exit the game completely, then that's when the harvestables disappear. Or maybe when you enter the first household after restarting the game from origin. Still a bit puzzling though.
I had a bug related to Plasma Fruit after each game start that could be get past by placing them in the inventory of a different sim before putting it back. Maybe someone with this bug want to try out if this is a general work around for this bug as well.
@CGrant56 I tested this on my save by regrowing my plasma fruit tree, death flowers, and various potion ingredients as normal quality. I can confirm in my save, that the normal quality harvestables stay, but anything above that still disappears. So potions and plasma fruit are back on the menu, albeit at a lower quality.
This explains why my avocados and black beans are the only harvestables that don't disappear (they're normal quality). I really hope they fix this soon; it's very frustrating.
I have had normal quality items disappear as well so it varies with what disappears. I have also had stuff disappear when only part of household traveled while some stayed home. On testing I tried moving items to sims inventory. Selling Fridge, Flower arrangement table and box then purchasing new ones and adding items back. Items are still intermittently disappearing. Also tried traveling with items in inventory and they would disappear.
Currently, my workaround for this problem is storing the plants with quality better than normal in the family inventory. They won't disappear there. Anyway, I have to move them one by one from personal inventory to the ground, then pick one by one back to the family inventory. Too many mouse clicking make it become very annoying.
Another drawback is putting all produces in the family inventory make it very messy. However, that make me could continue playing the game.
This does not work. Even putting in someone else's inventory and then back items will disappear.
Edit 1:
yes bug is still present with University installed. Issue happens only 100% of time but can be between 90-100% randomly.
Edit 2:
I don't play with any Mods/CC and it still happens.
(Merged post, you can edit your own post - click on the 3 dot son the side of your post) - Atic
Harvestables have disappeared from my fridge also. I notice it when my Sims move households, but I haven't looked at other times. The only items that remain behind are emotion berries (all kinds), trash fruit and spices that my Sim bought from the city stands (like wasabi, etc.)
Edit: I closed the game last night. When I went back in this morning, all of the produce is gone from the fridge, except for the aforementioned items that stay, and all of the flowers are gone from the Violets are Blue flower arranging table.
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