Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

@Fadedaway13 I added a bunch of info from my tests (comment #12) and some of it may help with your issue for workarounds, etc...

  • If you leave the (above normal quality) flowers & harvestables on the plants or in the household inventory (not personal inventory) they don't delete.
  • You can take (above normal quality) harvestables with you in your personal inventory, but only for one 'jump'/load. You must sell them or use them before traveling again or they will delete.
  • To help the toddlers you could leave plates of items that spoil slowly or not at all for them to grab. Produce, gourmet fruitcake, I was told popcorn in the popper doesn't spoil (maybe test if the toddler can grab a serving from that?), leave out food for the day that spoils slowly for the toddler to grab a serving from, and at level 10 of the chef career there is an aspiration reward trait available where they can make food that never spoils. Do you have any level 10 chefs in your households? If not I do and can upload her to the gallery for you, if you let me know. 
  • I have a death flower room, a death flower plant room, and a room with ambrosia in the EA Gallery if you want to download them.
    ( Username: #SheriGR )

I know none of this is anything but a workaround and that it's frustrating and a hassle, but I hope it helps as a Band-Aid for now.

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  • PugLove888's avatar
    6 years ago

    @SheriGR, thanks , as usual for you great gardening tips! 🙌

    About the popcorn, I have always found that popcorn stays fresh in the popper forever, but spoils if left out in an individual bowl.  Many of my families with toddlers (especially multiple toddlers) will have a popper full of popcorn available to them😇.  So I only worry about older Sims eating all of the popcorn! 😞🤔
    And I can't remember if toddlers can't eat honey in the game or not, but honey also helps fill hunger and never goes bad! ❤️

  • It worked for me! I'm going to have to send my whole family to the park for different plants but it's better than before. I only have one toddler now and I made the mom quit her job (she's maxed all her skills anyway) so I'm not about to get all the kids taken away. Thank you so much for your advice!