I’m having this issue too.
It’s not impacting my current family very much since I use the complete cooking overhaul which gives me the option to purchase harvestables and groceries - so my current family’s fridge is stocked with “normal” fruits/veggies. Seeing as to how the “normal” quality items stay put - it took me a while to realize something was wrong.
This particular family has a bluebell plant and rose bush in their home, and they use those flowers as a laundry additive. The bluebell plant is above “normal” (although I can’t remember exactly which stage - I’m off-lot right now at their bakery) and the wife would harvest 6 at a time. I didn’t harvest every day, so again that’s another reason it took me so long to catch on to what was happening. Anyway... the wife would go to do laundry and low and behold, no bluebells to use as the additive. WHAT? I just harvested them this morning after her morning espresso! 🤔
I still didn’t think much of it... until this happened:
The husband carries around 2 MegaCoolers (I use a mod that allows the cooler to have an inventory like the fridge), to keep his foodstuffs for his bakery. It’s just easier to restock that way. So one sim morning, he gets to his bakery and is about to stock - NO MegaCoolers. WHAT? He had to remake almost his entire stock (which is a lot, I might add). I purchased 2 more coolers.
The bakery is only open T, W, and Th - this all happened last sim week.
Fast forward to now... it’s Tuesday morning, and we just arrived at the bakery. Guess what? Only ONE cooler.
Thankfully I baked and restocked everything before leaving last sim Thursday night, or we’d be screwed right now.
And no... the coolers are/were not in the household inventory, nor did I sell them or even take them out of his inventory between then and now.
How frustrating... and this is with my family where produce quality doesn’t matter - if I switched over to my proper celebrity vegetarian sim who has a full beautiful garden in her front yard, she would NOT be happy!
I can’t even imagine what the rest of y’all are going through, especially the players who rely on gardening and produce quality for their gameplay! 😳