Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory
So, I'm having the issue stated by the OP, that harvestables are disappearing from my Sim's inventory. But there's also one other thing I've noticed that may be related, so I thought I'd mention it here. If you think I should make a separate report for this, let me know and I'll start a new topic. What I've seen is that my vampire can have a stack of Plasma Fruit in her inventory, and when I tell her to eat (drink) a Plasma Fruit, she does, but multiple Plasma Fruit are deleted from her inventory when the interaction completes rather than just one. (Started with a stack of 21, ate one, ended up with 15, but then I tried to eat another and the whole stack of 15 disappeared. This is consistent, in that every time I reload that same save, and issue two 'eat' commands it always goes from 21 to 15 to gone.) This also generates a lastException file. (Which I am unable to attach as my reply simply will not submit with an attachment. Don't know why.)