Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory
I've already recovered previous save to restore items, found workarounds before I even saw the thread on bug. Issue is selling all items daily that can't use defeats the purpose of gardening and florist career, especially when some items don't grow except in certain seasons, meaning I would not be able to craft some flower arrangements at any given time as I was doing.. Problem with moving items into household inventory is that you have to drop items on floor one at a time and when you have multiple items it becomes more than a hassle. Also, some items are not being recognized when putting in Sim inventory and taking to another location. I've also noticed that since this bug came in that now my freelance photographer sim is back to not having stuff counted after conditions are met on career and just discards response as others say getting collectibles is also not working right and not showing appropriately as getting them.