Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory
@SheriGR I removed the sprinklers and bee box to see if they were the problem. I saved the Alien Patch to the gallery, this outdoor garden room has three types of plants in it. Only one plant type saved.
1- My garden plot with 3 plant types. 2 - only one plant type will upload 3 - garden plot in the gallery 4 - garden plot I downloaded from the gallery with only one plant type.
Also, I am using the pre-made Gardening Haven room from Seasons. I modified it and removed the floor so I can plant plants in the ground.
I have actually downloaded a garden room with perfect alien plants, but cannot upload those same items back if they are in the ground. I never had that problem in the past. I have downloaded gardens that were in the ground and not in pots.
I tried it again with plants downloaded from the gallery.
1- item from the gallery. 2-I placed plants in the ground only one plant uploads. 3-I place plants back in the pot they will upload.
This is a bug.