Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Expansions: Uni, Seasons, Pets, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work Game: Parenthood, Dine Out, Spa Stuff: First Pet, Laundry, Toddler, Vintage, Backyard, Kids, Movie, Kitchen, Patio, Holiday
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a garden. Harvest fruit at a higher quality than 'normal' and leave the home location.
What happens when the bug occurs? Once you harvest fruit and go to the map, all the harvestables return to "normal" quality or the items are lost completely. (The plants themselves retain their quality, the glitch pertains to what's in the inventory with any fruits/veggies/herbs. I noticed once I installed the University expansion, but had recently just installed Pets. It could've been either and I just didn't notice on Pets yet.
What do you expect to see? I get to keep the fruits of my labor lololol :D
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Either the Sims Pets or Sims Uni. My patch's are set to automatic but it's safe to say it would've been a patch within the last week or two.


10 Replies

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  • It was Uni. I had all the expansions and packs and had no problem until I installed Uni. I thought I was imagining it until I spent the whole day gardening and my perfect plants weren't there anymore. So don't worry about pets. That didn't cause the issue. I haven't wanted to play SIMS 4 much since this problem occurred. I love gardening in ALL of my games. Even my vampires eat plasma fruit. I'm considering quitting until they fix this. It's not worth playing for me. Does anyone know if I uninstall Uni will the bug go away since Uni caused it?

  • Compulsivian's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    6 years ago

    @PriestessAvenara wrote:

     Does anyone know if I uninstall Uni will the bug go away since Uni caused it?

    Well some experience the problem, without even having Uni installed, so not sure. The bug could have arrived with the update preparing for the University Expansion, and in that case, It probably wouldn't help a thing to delete Uni. My advice, if You keep play Sims 4 for now, don't use Households with a great collection af harvestables. Even if the bug get's repaired we probably won't get the lost items back.
  • I was playing the game since Uni with the most harvestables sadly. Both parents are in the two different gardening careers so you can just imagine that big, beautiful garden and all I had stashed away. I'm the one in the gallery who put up all the normal types of plants ready to harvest for people who just don't want to wait for them to grow up because I feel their pain. Once I knew there was a way to stock up on at least one quality of produce and flowers, I wanted to share that with others who might not know.

    I've avoided playing any other games since and now that you've said that I'm glad I did. I was worried about my one vampire in particular because she has a LOT of perfect plasma fruit and was my vampire challenge of only eating fruit, not even plasma bags or made plasma bags. *laughs* She has 12 perfect plasma trees I grew from packages. So I guess I'll just stick with the one game whose stores are already ruined, but I admit part of me wants to go back to SIMS 3 until this blows over. Even there I always have a big gardening and my perfect plants stay that way, unlike here. It's hard when your favorite part of the game is taken away and two patches, and almost a month, later nothing has been solved.

  • dufourae85's avatar
    6 years ago

    Same is happening for me. It makes it very difficult for my good vampire to eat. And sometimes he cant even make plasma fruit salad because the action doesn't even work. I have to move the plasma fruit to his inventory or to the fridge to get it to trigger. This is bogus.

  • RandomBuzziness's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    6 years ago

    @PriestessAvenaraI have the bug and I do not own Discover University, so unfortunately I don't think un-installing DU would fix anything. For me it started with the Nov.12 patch just prior to the DU release. I am also a big fan of gardening in TS4 (was in TS3 as well!). I won't play either of my two main saves until this is fixed so as not to lose so many perfect harvestables, but I have been playing a temp save and still having fun. If I get too attached to my temp Sim I could always import her to my main save later. I completely understand everyone's frustration here and my hope now is that they will fix it in an early December patch.

    Btw- thank you for uploading that garden into The Gallery! I will be sure to check it out the next time I play. :D

  • imhotep168's avatar
    6 years ago
    As I said, don't expect EA will fix this bug anytime soon. The whim could not be fulfilled bug is still there. Does EA know these bugs? I doubt!
  • PriestessAvenar's avatar
    6 years ago

    @RandomBuzziness Thank you for clearing that up for me. I might as well keep University installed then. You are welcome for the garden. I uploaded them all separately and in groups of plants (veggies and fruits), herbs, trees, magical plants, and vampire plants. Although the tree set doesn't have the plasma tree since I feel like normal sims that would eat from those trees wouldn't be quite as interested in the plasma one. *laughs*I have one of all in normal and all but the wolfsbane flower and sixam misquiuto trap in perfect. I'm working on those two. So I'm nearly a one stop shop for either normals or perfects. I also have a tile floor with 12 perfect carrots and another of 12 perfect strawberries, some herbs for fishing, and perfect bluebells and a crocus for a cheap do it your self bee bouquet. While I do have a bouquet premade up there, no one has told me if it works for their game if they download it. It works for mine so I just continually renew my bee calming bouquet straight from my library. I pay (after deleting the room) 1 simoleon for the crocus scented bluebells and once they are wilted can sell them for 14 for a profit of 12 simoleons. *laughs* That cracks me up every time. Plus my bees are permanently calm.

    I just started a temp game today, but I get the feeling I'll get attached. I made two female vampires, so I thought I'd try out making a male one and doing the reverse of my plasma fruit only challenge. He has to ONLY feed off sims. Whether he asks (which I do) or compels (which he might) or he frenzies (which I've never seen before since I'm good about keeping my vampires well fed), he is only allowed to drink from a sim. Which also means no plasma packs for him of any kind. Hahaha. It's really interesting. Darrian doesn't mind having friends of either the occult races or normal sims, but he understands his own needs in a way Adelaide definitely doesn't. Lorelei is okay with her plasma fruit drinks from the bar or sims, but she's evil and doesn't want any other friends aside from vampires. This is really fun and keeps me from being sad about gardening. I'm painting, writing books, and music instead. :D

    Perhaps that is a fun solution for everyone who is into gardening! We can start a revolutionary plasma from sims only challenge. Play it how you want, evil, nice, compel, ask, frenzy, just keep it to sims. *giggles* You can even tell me how it is going in your game in a personal message here or where ever. It could be fun. :D

  • danceswithchaos's avatar
    New Adventurer
    6 years ago

    I do not have Uni installed and I have the inventory bug with non-normal harvestables. It was caused by the pre-Uni patch on Nov 12th. I was so excited to see an emergency patch but alas, this bug isn't fixed. The game is unplayable for me until it is, so no buying DU (Uni) as planned.

  • jmeadowbrook's avatar
    New Hotshot
    6 years ago
    @Compulsivian Yes, agreed. I have limited my play to the households which already have been corrupted by the harvestables disappearing glitch and to those which don't have gardens. Btw, I have one household with a money tree only, but no gardener (they fertilize with bought 'normal' fertilizer), a member of that household still has his 'perfect' harvestables (retained from a former residence) in his personal inventory after several days of play and traveling. So the bug seems to affect individual sims on lots with gardens (or possibly just gardeners).