Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

Fixed an issue where Nice or High Quality harvestables would disappear from Sims’ inventories after Travel or Save/Load.
○ We attempted to track down the lost harvestables that are currently lost, but found they were lost and unfindable. It’s findings like this that we find we are at a loss of words for, however any future loss should not be found.

Fixed fir in Patch 1.59.73

Thread for console is here:

16 Replies

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  • @crinrict Thank you for the update! It's most welcome ^_^ I read over the patch notes (wow they did fix a lot!) but didn't see anything for the Aspirations bug. Do you know if that was addressed? Thanks!
  • My game is patched (PC), but even still, I’m having this issue. I am playing without mods/cc. 

  • crinrict's avatar
    6 years ago
    @babajayne Try a game repair. Are they still disappearing or just the ones that are already gone ?
  • Ah, I didn’t realize they just released a new patch today. I’ll test and report back if it’s still happening with newly harvested items. Thank you!

  • I updated game to 'Update: 12/12/2019 - PC:' and for good measure did a 'verify'/'repair' of game files.

    Issue appears to have been fixed here (did a superficial save test).

    Thank you very much to EA for the fix of the 'Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory' bug :-)

  • @crinrict Did test. Still some problems with Aspirations it seems. I'm sure the devs will get to it soon as the Holidays are over ^_^
  • I seem to have everything I’m supposed to after traveling. Hurray!

  • crinrict wrote:  Yeah, this was JUST fixed. Hot out of the oven


    As stated earlier then the update ( 12/12/2019 - PC:') appeared to have fixed the bug  'Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory' 

    However , it also seem as the update ( 'Update: 12/12/2019 - PC:') introduced a new bug.

    After updating the game (platform PC)(game version  'Update: 12/12/2019 - PC:') then when fertilizing my plants above normal quality (haven't tried normal only) then when queuing fertilize of multiple plants then though the Sim appear to spread fertilizer on all plants then only the first plant in queue reports as having been fertilized ( fertilize option greyed out) all the other plants in queue appear to have not been fertilized as they keep the option to fertilize after the Sim have spread the fertilizer (in this case Dragonfruit of excellent quality).....  

  • troshalom's avatar
    6 years ago

    Woo hoo for this major patch that was released today. So, I removed all my CC/Mods and patched the game and then played my test game for harvestables. My test Sim harvested perfect and excellent harvestables and traveled from Del Sol Valley to Willow Creek, Windenburg and StrangerVille and fished in all three locations. She then went for a one day vacation to Granite Falls. In all four locations the original harvestables maintained their condition of excellent or perfect. 

    For the first time in Granite Falls, my Sim was able to find all herbal plants in one summer day. The last time I sent a Sim to Granite Falls during the summer they were only able to find Fireleaf and Chamomile. I have never had a Sim find all herbal plants in Granite Falls even with a seven day vacation, so this is exciting that that was fixed.

    My Sim traveled back home to Del Sol Valley and everything she collected: herbal plants, fish, fossils, minerals, frogs, crystals, insects are in her inventory along with the original harvestables. The only thing that changed its condition were the fish - which I wish the cooler would be able to keep fish fresh, since that's how people use them in real life. So, a lil bummed about that, but she can use them for fertilizer.

    So, I am pretty stoked I can go back to my Sim stories and recording.

  •  I know this is closed, but one thing I discovered is that now nothing is being recorded in the gardening notebook. Heavy sigh.

    I had my test Sim research a few plants, primarily because I wanted to figure out how to graft some things and nothing she researched is in the notebook. That section is greyed out.

  • RandomBuzziness's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago

    @troshalomI am not seeing that in my test save. The notebook was greyed out/ empty when I first checked it but it populated normally as I researched various plants.

    My test Sim does have a high level in Gardening but I can't imagine that the cause could be something like that? Who knows these days?

    EDIT: Btw, did you start a new bug report on this? I'll move over to that thread if you did. Good luck!