Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [HSY] Sim is stuck on C student despite acing all exams

@DopeySims A notification in the upper right corner.

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  • @crinrict ah ok, something like she did an amazing job and learnt a lot (something like that, I’ll check this weekend)

  • @crinrict Even though I have University none of my sims have gone there yet.

    University was my fav expansion of the Sims 2 and the one for the Sims 3 was ok too.

    Maybe after this one has gone through high school.

  • PurpleSweetTart's avatar
    New Hotshot
    3 years ago

    @crinrict I totally forgot Uni had that bug...they should know where to start fixing it then, and yet, they won't, which is why EA is getting no more of my money. When they care to fix bugs that defeats the purpose of packs, like the high school grade bug, then, and only then will I *consider* giving them money for content.

    @nets84 at the end of every week after they get the promotion tick. And, yes, that's exactly why everyone is rightfully angry...because we all paid $40 for a broken pack and no one seems to care. I have uninstalled the game and no longer play it and no longer watch Sims content because I am disgusted by the state of the Franchise and by EA's business practices.

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