Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [HSY] Sim is stuck on C student despite acing all exams

It's been 2 years since the High School years pack came out and the grades with teen sims are still bugged to be stuck on C regardless of performance.

I'm still mad about the bug with high school years where your teens grade won't change or increase unless you send them to school ALONE. like the whole point of that pack is to go to school WITH your teen sim, avoiding a main feature of the pack is NOT a fix and it pisses me off that when I bring it up I'm told "just send the teen to school alone! :D" like NO that's not a fix! that's a work around but its still a bug that EA won't fix and it makes me so mad!

sending your sim to the school alone just so their grades will change is NOT a solution. the point of the pack is to play at the school with your sim. we should not have to avoid features, we paid $40 for, to "fix" these bugs. we paid for these packs. they should work. and the fact that is been 2 YEARS and this still happens and the EA team shows NO sign of even TRYING to fix it is unacceptable. STOP releasing packs that DON'T WORK and fix the ones you have! because we all know that literally EVERY pack has some kind of bug or issue that EA just has ignored and refused to even try to fix for years.

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  • dianed485's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    12 months ago

    That and expelled teens still can’t re-enroll in Copperdale High, so if you play with aging off, your sims are stuck out of school forever.