Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [HSY] Sims can send Flirty Social Bunny Messages To Teens and Relatives

I'm having a social bunny bug where my teenager sims can't send flirty messages about their partners but they can about their parents... you can probably understand how innapropriate this is. Really hope to see it fixed.

3 Replies

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  • This issue has been around for awhile now. I've had this going on with, and without mods for the past year or so, but have been just keeping family members off my sims social bunny app until this issue has been fixed. It's really annoying, but keeping your sims family members off works if it's just your sim, and their partner.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 months ago

    Teens cannot send flirty messages on Social Bunny to adults or household family members.

    Fixed in Patch 1.107.112/1.92

    Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issue,