Forum Discussion
13 Replies
what i mentioned, when i wash my sims clothes in the tub (off the grid) i have to repeat it two or three times (which is a huge amount of time) until they become clean. sometimes before i hang them to dry, the description says clean and as soon as they hang on the line they are markerd as 'used' again... is this normal?
- Lostangele75 years agoNew Adventurer
Im actually getting no option to put the clothes in the machine. It says that the machine is not available when it’s clearly empty:
- LisaLadybirD825 years agoNew Ace
This may well be the other laundry bug....
Sell your machine, re-buy and see if it fixes the problem for now.
@EmeraldLaura wrote:what i mentioned, when i wash my sims clothes in the tub (off the grid) i have to repeat it two or three times (which is a huge amount of time) until they become clean. sometimes before i hang them to dry, the description says clean and as soon as they hang on the line they are markerd as 'used' again... is this normal?
I'm not having the issue with the wash/dry items working at all, but I'm seeing the same thing Nassilia91 mentioned. I was working on a player made challenge, where you "may" place a washtub and clothesline on your lot. I'm seeing laundry becoming "used" while still drying on the line. So, as she asked... Is this normal? Because rather than an improvement to the lot, giving your sims the fresh laundry buffs, it's an extra, pointless chore, one you don't even have to do if you get rid of the items.
- LisaLadybirD825 years agoNew Ace
@snow_dog04 , this is all part n parcel of the same bug.
PLEASE fill out the form.
@LisaLadybirD82 wrote:@snow_dog04 , this is all part n parcel of the same bug.
PLEASE fill out the form.
Ok, so what I'm seeing IS a bug? I didn't even know if I was seeing intended gameplay-- My granny sim seemed to be able to make nice, fresh laundry, but after she "died off" from a challenge event, the younger sim who tried to do laundry had it become used on the clothesline.
Product: The Sims 4
Platform: PC
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Sometimes
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them
Steps: Wash clothes in either a washing machine or washtub, then put on a clothesline to dry
What happens when the bug occurs? While still drying, the clothes go from "Clean" to "Used"
What do you expect to see? Clothes to remain "Clean" until worn, or at least something happening to explain why they got dirty
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? I don't know
If yes, please describe the patch or change you made.I haven't used laundry much at all, but after the eco expansion one of my Evergreen Harbor households started using a washing machine and clothesline. Sometimes the clothes end up clean and dry they way they should, other times they become "Used" while still drying. Separate save, in an Oasis Spring household, I had a washtub and clothesline. An Elder sim seemed to make nice clean (or Pristine) laundry, but a younger one seemed to have the laundry become Used while drying. That may have been coincidence though, the Elder wasn't around long before an event in the challenge I was playing dictated that the Elder be removed.
The Eco Footprint in both neighborhoods was Neutral. I wouldn't be surprised if an Industrial footprint made laundry dirty, but that wasn't the case. The Evergreen Harbor lot had a Green footprint, the Oasis Springs lot was probably Neutral.
- dianed4855 years agoSeasoned Ace
I just have this exact bug now after the last patch.
- LisaLadybirD825 years agoNew Ace
Then @dianed485 , please fill in the form.
Which language are you playing the game in?
How often does the bug occur?
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?
What happens when the bug occurs?
What do you expect to see?
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?
If yes, please describe the patch or change you made. - @EmeraldLaura Whenever i wash my clothes in the washer it only will wash if my maid did the laundry. Idk why. whenever i tried doing it myself i would put the clothes in the washer and they would instantly by pristine, and then i’d put them in the dryer and they’re be instantly dry, yet i could never put them away or rewash.
- @EmeraldLaura There’s a way to fix it without deleting files, just hover over your washer when it has its clothes inside , then press X and O at the same time (PS4) or Shift Up Arrow (Pc) and press Break Washer DEBUG, this will break it so that you can repair or replace as you choose, and then your laundry shouldn’t bug out anymoee
Huh, my maids will never do the laundry in the house. They also don't take care of the toddler toilets or anything but the first (or floor level) of my homes. Laundry is on the first level though. They put away a plate of food into the fridge, stair out my window for six hours, wash one sink and toilet, and then leave for the day. I have only ever had NPC guests do my laundry for me. Sadly, I stopped using laundry for these reasons.
I’m having a big problem on my PlayStation that’s why I play the laundry isn’t working the washer is but the dryer isn’t it saying to put the clothes on the floor and not drying the clothes this been happening since I got a new pack and it’s been happening before that too I don’t know what to do I can’t show EA anything because they don’t got a website for PlayStation and I cannot put no code because I don’t know what to do can anyone help me and I’m doing a challenge but I can’t use the washer and dryer because it happened to the washer to😭💔
- FriendlySimmers3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Français
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.90.358.1030
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? from basegame to high school pack and all kits and spand gamepack
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? try having your sims wash clothes
What happens when the bug occurs? sims can put clothes in washer but can not wash clothe only worlking option is move to dryer
What do you expect to see? n/a
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. since july 26 2022 patch
i also have this issue my sim can put clothes in the washer from the hamper but once in the washer only option working is put in dryer since july 26 2022 patch
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