Re: [FIXED] Merging households through dialog doesn't proceed
The same bug happened to me too and I've investigated a little.
Game does not accept that you merge your household with another one that has not a house. I've discovered this bug when I've tried to invite in my family the gardener and then it has happened the same with random sims, but I have been able to invite the Vatore family in Vladislaus household.
@Elly3058I've noticed that the game actually does not freeze, just does not do anything. You should be able to solve the situation just letting your sim join the other household (yes, the opposite is admitted), but then the game will obviusly ask you to buy a house for your family and all the collection progresses of your household will be lost. It is really annoying and I actually hope that will be fixed soon.
Edit: at the moment the only real solution is to merge the households (no house -> with house) through Manage wordls.