Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Merging households through dialog doesn't proceed

@Heautontimoru And you have the problem with any means trying to merge two households ? I just tried moving in a Sim that didn't live anywhere through the household manager and had no issues doing so.

Could you please list the packs you own ? What platform are you playing on ?

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  • @crinrictThe issue isn't moving households via Manage Worlds. The issue occurs when asking a sim or being asked to move in together. The game basically freezes when you get the pop-up and try to transfer sims and funds between households. I can Alt-F4 to save and exit my game before I lose any progress, but it's a really annoying bug. I have also seen a Sims 4 Youtuber, James Turner, have this issue as well. I am also having this issue across multiple saves on PC, including a new save.