Re: [FIXED] [OR] Campfire causes too many fires
Yeah, I’m playing on a prebuilt lot with a campfire and they’re incessantly setting themselves on fire and scaring the horse. Even if they’re not hungry they insist on roasting marshmallows 24/7. Sadly, they’re spellcasters and keep reparioing the burned chairs and roasting more.
I remember an event where a family of musicians went to Granite Falls and insisted on standing IN the fire to play and burned up all their instruments. Any time the camera wasn’t focused on them they were lighting the campfire and standing too close with a guitar or violin. Luckily one of them (grandma) had finished the botanist aspiration, so she was a total bad*** extinguishing everyone so no one died.
Even my Sims with the Naturalist reward trait (from freelance botanist) incessantly burn their arms roasting marshmallows 24/7.
It’s just excessive. My mantra has been “I’m taking that 🤬 campfire away from you…”