Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [PC/MAC] Save Error 0 (Patch 1.86.166)

@farmerkristyn Console did not get that update until April 4th. Please ensure your console is connected to the internet and that your game and console are fully updated to the latest patches. Version 1.57.2 for the Game and 9.51 or 22.01-5.02 for your console.

Check that you have read through all the neighborhood stories by clicking on your sims mailbox and checking the updates. You have to click repeatedly until you get the message there's no new stories.

If you've updated your game and clicked through all the stories updates on the mailbox and you are still getting this error, please let me know.

4 Replies

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  • farmerkristyn's avatar
    3 years ago

    hi, thanks for responding. i do have the latest version of the game. i clicked through all the neighborhood stories and then disabled neighborhood stories but i am still encountering this issue.

    ive been able to save if i create a new file rather than overwrite, but when i go back into said save, i encounter a new bug where all my sims’ family photos and paintings from reference have all been wiped, with the photos going black and the paintings going white. i dont know if this issue is related to the error 0 issue, but it is happening consistently where i either encounter error 0 or i encounter the blacked out photos in the event that im able to save.

  • PoptartJuniper's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    3 years ago

    @farmerkristyn I've merged your post into the current bug report for this issue. Please click the "Me Too" button at the bottom of the first post on the first page of the thread.

    If you can put your save on a USB and upload it to one drive or google drive and share with SimQARobo as directed in a post above Save Share Request that would be very helpful!

    The black photo issue has a thread here for console: Photo's Black 

    You can search the Bug Forum for issues you may be having or use the current list of issues:

  • WorseSleet9's avatar
    6 months ago

    I know this is an old message but it’s August 2024 and I have just started experiencing this on console.

    very annoying! 

  • Julietta77's avatar
    6 months ago

    I am getting Error Code zero and now I can't save my game at all no matter what I try.  It started happening around the end of August just after an update and just after I got the new "romance" pack (can't remember what it's called, although I don't know if either caused the problem.  I also had my Webroot antivirus update around the same time. I even went back and got a save from last May and started playing that. It was ok for awhile but now I have the problem again.  Please can someone help me?  By the way, I'm an idiot when it comes to computer stuff so any suggestions please keep that in mind. Thanks.