Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [PS/XB] Game constantly crashing (Patch 1.69)

Literally every 20 minutes my game crashes and when I go back on nothing has saved so I start from where I last saved off. This is the 3rd time it’s happened; twice last night and now again. My game is updated and I’ve never actually had any issues until now with the major update. Any ideas?

3 Replies

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  • Here the same problem, every 10 minutes, the game crash....

    I have x box one

  • 247Mitzy's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    3 years ago
    @wallaby3001 I’m just glad it isn’t just me so maybe it will get fixed quickly. Too many of us can’t play.
  • Same here. I've noticed in my game it crashes when my sims tries to use the phone for some reason.