Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Reaper's Rewards: Newsletter not delivered/Mailman stuck

yep ive had the same problem with a regular mailbox

8 Replies

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  • MapleSimmer's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    5 months ago

    @MissAshley686 in addition to @crinrict suggestion, have you tried replacing your mailbox? I saw someone comment elsewhere that worked for them. 

    Best regards,

  • sparrowodele's avatar
    5 months ago

    I had a similar issue with the werewolf pack mailbox on a Haunted House lot. I play on PlayStation.

    1. The mail carrier arrived, stood in front of the mailbox, and kept waving with the mailbox image in a thought bubble. The mailbox was in an open area with nothing around it in the front 4-5 tiles on the lot.
    2. I moved the mailbox, and the mail carrier walked to the new location and started waving again.
    3. I swapped the mailbox out with a base game version, and the mail carrier walked to the new mailbox, waved, and the thought bubble showed the new mailbox. 
    4. Gave up, and continued playing. Later in the evening, I saw that the mail carrier was still at the mailbox, waving (At this point, he'd also peed himself, and his hygiene bar was clearly in the red the poor man).
    5. Restarted the game and the mail carrier disappeared from the lot. Mail arrived successfully the next day.
  • Unianna79's avatar
    5 months ago

    Sadly, I tried all of these, and I am still having the issue!

  • apncagr438nf's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    5 months ago

    Go to build mode and place every mailbox you can find, then click them until one has the "replace ambrosia newsletter" option.

    Then click it and the quests will continue.

  • molitirion's avatar
    5 months ago

    This is what worked for me thank you!!! I placed all the mailboxes I have access to and eventually they delivered to the windenberg one 😃

  • Sethery24's avatar
    4 months ago
    @apncagr438nf this worked but I didn't see "replace ambrosia newsletter" but I was able to "get mail" and continue to the next task.